Red Giant VFX Primatte Keyer Mac 破解版 红巨星AE/PR抠像插件

效果插件 版本号:6.0.1

2019-10-15 1,270 百度已收录

Primatte Keyer for Mac是目前最受欢迎的抠像工具插件之一,由Red Giant出品适用于ae和pr软件,primatte keyer插件可以便捷的将视频中的人物抠出来然后添加相应的特效,并具有消除色彩的溢出、校正不精确的画面边缘和调整画面的透明度等强大功能。

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Red Giant VFX Primatte Keyer 6.0.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

Primatte Keyer 6多合一的工具,可进行快速,准确的色度键控,并具有专业水平的控制和准确性。生成遮罩后,请使用Primatte中的控件进行补救和保留细节,同时更正溢出并将遮罩边缘无缝混合到背景中。

Instantly Remove Green Screen

Whether you are using a green screen or blue screen, Primatte Keyer's Auto Compute Algorithms can often pull a perfect key automatically.
The Best User Experience and the Best Results
Primatte Keyer’s new user interface makes it easy to select your background and foreground, and to separate them out for a great key. Primatte’s cleanup tools help make it look solid without much additional effort.

GPU Optimized

Primatte Keyer has always made the keying process faster by just being more intuitive and easier to use than any other keying tool out there. Now, with GPU optimization, you’ll get even more speed, with previews and renders up to 3x faster than in previous versions.
User Interface (NEW)
Primatte Keyer 6’s new, streamlined user interface makes it even easier to modify your key than previous versions.

Spill Killer

Often your chroma background will reflect some of its color back on to your foreground elements, leaving unwanted color on your subject. Primatte Keyer’s Spill Killer tools remove any of the stubborn green and blue spill not removed in a key.

Core Matte (NEW)

Sometimes you have to fight a battle between keeping most of your subject opaque while also maintaining soft or partially transparent edges. Utilizing the luminance in your foreground, Primatte Keyer’s Core Matte tool can keep the inside of your key solid, while still preserving fine semi-transparent details on the edges.

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Red Giant VFX Primatte Keyer Mac 破解版 红巨星AE/PR抠像插件-麦氪派

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