Red Giant VFX Chromatic Displacement Mac 破解版 色差置换插件

效果插件 版本号:1.0.1

2019-11-01 1,616 百度已收录

Red Giant VFX Suite for Mac是一套功能强大的After Effects的电影级视觉特效合成插件,在After Effects内部进行键控,跟踪,清理和视觉效果合成;包含了可用于添加阴影和反射的工具,可以让合成效果更具专业性。VFX Suite还可以轻松为视觉效果和动态图形生成漂亮的棱镜位移效果。

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Red Giant VFX Chromatic Displacement 1.0.1 Mac 破解版 介绍

Red Giant VFX Chromatic Displacement 1.0.1 uses one layer to displace the pixels of another, while smoothly separating out the colors. Unlike the Displacement Map effect in After Effects, Chromatic Displacement uses the displacement image as a height map, which gives you beautiful, organic results. We designed Chromatic Displacement for creating professional VFX, such as force fields, heat ripples, light refractions, cloaking effects, and much more – but it’s also great for motion graphics.

Prismatic Effects

Red Giant VFX Chromatic Displacement 1.0.1 uses one layer to displace the pixels of another, while smoothly separating out the colors. Unlike the Displacement Map effect in After Effects, Chromatic Displacement uses the displacement image as a height map, which gives you beautiful, organic results.

Visual Effects

VFX Chromatic Displacement is for creating professional visual effects, such as force fields, heat ripples, light refractions, cloaking effects, and much more. It’s incredibly flexible, giving you control over the strength, color spread, and softening.

Motion Graphics

VFX Chromatic Displacement aren’t just for visual effects. Use text to displace an image, or bring on a logo in a new and interesting way. Once you try Chromatic Displacement, you’ll never go back to standard displacement effects again.


VFX Chromatic Displacement has been designed to include lots of features to make it easy to displace chroma in your footage and motion graphics.

Chroma Spread

VFX Chromatic Displacement gives you the ability to introduce a rainbow spectrum of colors to the displacement effect. You control the amount of chromatic color and spread. You can even choose not to have any color spread at all.

Chroma Tint

Want more color options than just the standard rainbow? With Chroma Tint you can push your colors towards blue/yellow or green/Purple for a more unique effect.


VFX Chromatic Displacement includes options for softening both the detail in the displacement map layer and the final displacement result.

Alpha Channel

Sometimes you want a soft edged result, but sometimes you want the alpha channel of your displacement layer to be respected. VFX Chromatic Displacement offers 3 ways to handle your displacement layer’s alpha channel.

GPU Acceleration

VFX Chromatic Displacement is fully GPU accelerated, and blazing fast at any quality setting. It also has a CPU render mode, in case your render farm doesn’t have GPUs.

Red Giant VFX Chromatic Displacement Mac 破解版 色差置换插件-麦氪派
Red Giant VFX Chromatic Displacement Mac 破解版 色差置换插件-麦氪派

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