RapidWeaver for Mac 7.5.5 破解版 – 不了解编码也能创建网页


2017-12-16 2,276 百度已收录

让你几分钟内创建具有专业水准的网页,你不需要去了解怎样编码,RapidWeaver 帮你制作出100%的基于XHTML和CSS的网页来.


RapidWeaver for Mac 7.5.5 介绍

RapidWeaver is a next-generation Web design application to help you easily create professional-looking Web sites in minutes. No knowledge of complex code is required, RapidWeaver will take care of all that for you. RapidWeaver produces valid XHTML- and CSS-based websites.

One of the perks about using RapidWeaver is that it has a strong custom theme community. You can download themes and edit them from within RapidWeaver and the result is a pretty slick-looking website that takes very little effort.

RapidWeaver also has a lot of custom plug-ins. Some of them make it easier to edit images directly in RapidWeaver. Others make creating a site map a matter of a few clicks. The supportive community that surrounds RapidWeaver is really what makes this great app superior to other WYSIWYG website creation tools. Be sure to check out YourHead.com for some little tools to help spice up your website in RapidWeaver.


Version 7.5.5:

  • Fixed an issue when updating add-ons
  • Fixed a crash when deleting multiple pages
RapidWeaver for Mac 7.5.5 破解版 – 不了解编码也能创建网页-麦氪派
RapidWeaver for Mac 7.5.5 破解版 – 不了解编码也能创建网页-麦氪派

RapidWeaver for Mac 7.5.5 下载

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