Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 激活版 – 专为程序员开发使用的笔记软件


2016-07-30 5,149 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Quiver 是一个程序员专用的记事本应用,可轻松混合文本、代码、Markdown 文本到一个记事本中。提供强大的代码编辑,以及对 Markdown 和 LaTeX 的编辑和即时预览,提供全文搜索功能。

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Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 介绍

Quiver is a notebook built for programmers. It lets you easily mix text, code, Markdown and LaTeX within one note, edit code with an awesome code editor, live preview Markdown and LaTeX, and find any note instantly via the full-text search.

# Mix Text, Code, Markdown and LaTeX

A note in Quiver is comprised of cells --- snippets of text, code, Markdown, LaTeX (via MathJax) or diagrams (sequence diagram, flowchart). You can freely mix different cell types within one note. You can set different languages for different code cells, too.

# An Awesome Code Editor

The programmer's notebook should make code editing effortless. Quiver packs the awesome ACE code editor in code cells, with syntax highlighting support for more than 120 languages, over 20 themes, automatic indent and outdent, and much more.

# Markdown Support

Quiver lets you write in Markdown with inline formatting and custom CSS options. A live preview window renders Markdown as you type.

# LaTeX Support

Quiver uses MathJax to typeset mathematical equations written in LaTeX. Please note that MathJax doesn't provide a full LaTeX environment. Only math-mode macros are supported.

# Images, Files and Links

Drag an image into a text cell and it will be saved locally with the note. Drag a file into a text cell and it will become a clickable file link. URLs in text cells are automatically detected.

# Instant Full-Text Search

Notes are only useful if you can find them quickly. Quiver's full-text search is based on Search Kit, the same technology used to power Spotlight on your mac. That's how Quiver can search through thousands of notes in a blink of an eye.

# Beautiful, Fully Customizable Themes

Quiver comes with several beautifully designed UI themes, and they are fully customizable.

# Live Preview

Quiver supports live preview of Markdown and LaTeX cells.

# Presentation Mode

Quiver provides a full-screen presentation mode for your notes. This is great for classroom use, team meetings, presentations, as well as reviewing notes on your own.

# Tags

Quiver has tagging support. You can assign multiple tags to a note or assign a tag to multiple notes at once. Combined with notebooks and linked notes, you have many different ways to organize your notes.

# Autosave

Quiver automatically saves all your changes as you work, so you never need to worry about losing changes.

# Plain JSON Data Format

Quiver saves all your data in plain JSON files. These data files reside on your local machine. You can easily export your notes in different format such as HTML and PDF.

# Cloud Syncing

Quiver lets you sync all your notes across multiple computers via Dropbox, iCloud Drive, Google Drive, or any other file-based cloud services.

# Team Collaboration

It’s easy to collaborate in Quiver. You can create a shared notebook so everyone on your team can view or edit notes in the notebook. This is a great way to build a shared knowledge base for the team.

# Version Control

Since Quiver stores all the data in plain JSON files, it’s easy to put the whole library (or a specific notebook) under version control. This is another way to collaborate with your team.

# Backup and Recovery

Quiver lets you back up your entire library with a single click. Restoring your library from a backup is just as easy.

# Integrations

Quiver doesn’t lock you in. It stores data in a well-documented plain JSON format. So it’s easy to write scripts to integrate Quiver notes with other tools you use. Common scripts are provided on the Quiver documentation site.

# Tutorials and Documentation

Quiver comes with in-app tutorials and a comprehensive online wiki. Anyone can contribute to the wiki and make it bet


* Fixed an issue with pasting a URL from Chrome's address bar
Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 激活版 – 专为程序员开发使用的笔记软件-麦氪派

Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 激活版 – 专为程序员开发使用的笔记软件-麦氪派
Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 激活版 – 专为程序员开发使用的笔记软件-麦氪派
Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 激活版 – 专为程序员开发使用的笔记软件-麦氪派
Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 激活版 – 专为程序员开发使用的笔记软件-麦氪派

Quiver for Mac 3.0.3 下载

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