Proxie for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 实用的HTTP网络开发调试工具


2017-08-21 5,056 百度已收录

Proxie 是一款Mac上实用的HTTP网络开发调试工具,可以帮助开发中调试软件,在HTTP客户端和Internet之间建立代理,很不错!

[Proxie在Mac App Store售价9.99美元]

Proxie for Mac 2.2 介绍

Proxie is a HTTP debugging proxy for OS X.

---How does it work?---
Proxie puts a proxy between HTTP clients and the Internet. After a proper configuration of proxy settings, all HTTP traffic will go through Proxie and be available for inspection.


  • Any Platform - Proxie records all HTTP traffic from any Mac, Windows PC, Linux and mobile devices.
  • Body Viewers - Proxie chooses the proper viewers to make it intuitive to inspect body data.
  • HTTPS Support - Proxie uses man-in-the-middle interception to reveal HTTPS traffic.
  • WebSocket Support - Proxie understands websocket traffic and renders it like a chat interface.
Proxie for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 实用的HTTP网络开发调试工具-麦氪派
Proxie for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 实用的HTTP网络开发调试工具-麦氪派
Proxie for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 实用的HTTP网络开发调试工具-麦氪派

Proxie for Mac 2.2 下载

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