Faraonics Power Save Mac 破解版 智能能源管理

硬件工具 版本号:3.70.2200.0455

2019-08-20 1,057 百度已收录

Faronics Power Save for mac是Mac os平台上的一款智能能源管理工具,帮助用户更好的管理自己资金,通过关闭显示器,休眠,休眠或关闭计算机来降低功耗关闭硬盘以降低能耗,有效和可靠的控制整个企业管理能源,为您的公司带来的开支节省效果立竿见影,防止能源浪费!

[Power Save 在官网售价 17.15 美元]

Faraonics Power Save 3.70.2200.0455 Mac 破解版 介绍

Power Save通过针对不同用户,时间和日期的灵活设置提供智能能源管理。通过高级活动监控,Power save可以在不中断IT任务或最终用户的情况下了解何时节省能源!

Power Save Mac is an effective and reliable tool that can control and manage energy throughout an enterprise. Computers are essential items for business and communications, but consume large amounts of electrical resources. Energy costs can add up to millions of dollars a year, and today companies are looking for ways to save. Power Save Mac offers a way to effectively manage computer resources during downtime, and can greatly reduce annual energy costs.

Power Save Mac integrates seamlessly with Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) or any other third-party management utility to allow administrators to deploy their power saving configuration package to a single or multiple computers.

Users can choose from the following configuration options to design a customized installation package to suit the needs of their specific environment:

  • Frequency: specify if the action is a one-time event or a repeatable action
  • Action: configure the computers to start up, shut down, restart, or log out
  • Schedule: choose if the action will occur every day, on weekdays, weekends, or a specific day of the week
  • Time:choose a specific time of day for the action to occur

Power Save Mac's configuration screen also allows administrators to control inactive workstations between regularly scheduled action items. Administrators can configure logouts, restarts, and shutdowns to take place after a specified period of inactivity.

What's New in Power Save Mac

Version 3.70.2200.0455:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
Faraonics Power Save Mac 破解版 智能能源管理-麦氪派

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