Power Manager Mac 破解版 电源管理软件

硬件工具 版本号:5.3.0

2019-11-19 2,836 百度已收录

为大家推荐一款Mac好用的电源管理软件,Power Manager for Mac专为Mac用户设计,可以有效管理您的Mac电量使用情况,实时查看电池电量消耗以及各种参数,非常好用。

[Power Manager 在官网售价49.95美元]

Power Manager 5.3.0 Mac 破解版 介绍

Power Manager是降低Mac电脑能源成本的解决方案。使用电源管理器断言控制何时您的Mac是可用的,何时关闭。

Power Manager扩展了OSX的节能程序提供的调度功能。与节能不一样,Power Manager了解多个用户,提供无限制的时间表,提供更大的定制功能,并支持更广泛的操作。

POWER Manager包括调度应用程序、启动文档和运行脚本的能力。包括AppleScript支持、Automator操作、命令行接口和编程接口.

What's new in Power Manager

Version 5.3.0:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.12 or later

Updating Power Manager:

  • Power Manager will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks.
  • If you want to update to the latest Power Manager now, use the Check for Updates menu item in the Power Manager menu.
  • Photograph of a flower display

Version 5.1.0:

  • Added user session time trigger; triggers after a user has been logged in for a specific duration.
  • Added support for filtering log in triggers by graphical or terminal session type.
  • Added Schedule Assistant to execute a command line tool during a user session.
  • Added Schedule Assistant to launch an application during a user session.
  • Added Schedule Assistant to log out during a user session; designed for kiosks and public computers.
  • Added Schedule Assistant to open document with application during a user session.
  • Added Schedule Assistant to run a script during a user session.
  • Log-in trigger defaults to graphical sessions and when pmuser becomes available.
  • Deprecated external assistant trigger; use log-in trigger.
  • Changed term Mac OS X to macOS in API documentation.
  • Removed mentions of legacy versions of macOS from API documentation.
Power Manager Mac 破解版 电源管理软件-麦氪派

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