Postbox Mac 破解版 优秀的邮件客户端工具

邮件处理 版本号:7.0.3

2019-09-16 4,041 百度已收录

Postbox 是一款Mac上优秀的邮件客户端工具,支持多账户,可以为不同账户分类,统一管理,不再累于账户切换,极大简化了操作,很不错!

[Postbox 在官网售价 40.00 美元]

Postbox 7.0.3 Mac 破解版 介绍

Postbox 是一个新的电子邮件应用程序,帮助你组织你的工作生活,并完成工作。它拥有AppleMail所有的优雅和简单,但具有更大的能力和灵活性,甚至可以管理最苛刻的工作负载。


  • 超快速搜索-即时找到消息,附件,图像,链接和联系人。
  • 会话视图-通过时间顺序消息视图来了解电子邮件线程。
  • 更好的组织——标签、主题和DOS可以帮助你不费力地组织起来。
  • 伟大的作品与OS X的邮箱集成了地址簿,iCal,iPhoto,聚光灯,快看。邮箱甚至与OmniFocus的东西!
  • 快速和容易的安装邮箱会自动确定您的连接设置为你!

Postbox is available in English, German, French, Spanish (Spain), English (British), Italian, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, and Swedish.

What's New in Postbox

Version 7.0.3:

  • Updated instructions for callout Clips
  • Fixed an issue where messages weren't being marked as read when the preview pane was closed and messages were set to open in a new window
  • Fixed an issue with dark mode when colors with transparency are used
  • Fixed an issue that caused images added in signatures via the image button to not render correctly
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the progress meter to move positions on low resolution Macs

Version 6.1.18:

  • Fixed a regression when pasting in the Compose window on older operating systems

Version 6.1.15:

  • An issue that could cause the message list to not update when an Account Group is selected and folder tabs are open
  • A bug that could cause All Accounts + Focus Pane selections to stop working after clearing a search
  • A bug that could prevent Reminder indicators from immediately displaying when View menu - Organize by Thread is set to "off"
  • An issue that caused inline images to disappear during message edit
  • A regression that could cause strange characters to appear when resending or redirecting a message
  • Non-threaded, vertical view message list display when sorting by reverse date order
  • Made a change to allow the Pin Reminders function to work for Sent, Trash and Archive folders (except for Gmail All Mail folders, which are too large and could introduce unwanted behavior)
  • Removed white top border that would display when using dark mode on Windows while in full screen mode

Version 6.1.11:

  • Several fixes to improve indexing performance
  • Added a "Theme" menu option to the View menu
  • Change to prevent the "Edit Message" command from activating when the Preview Pane is not open
  • The folder contextual menu command "Download This Folder" will now also index the folder
  • Added preference UI for "Show text attachments inline" in Preferences | Options > Display > General
  • Restored close window warning notifications on Windows
  • Removed message counts from the Windows Taskbar
  • Removed deprecated Default Send server option from Accounts > Outgoing Server settings
  • Fixed an issue that prevented filter action "Play Sound" filename from displaying
  • Fixed an issue with LDAP that prevented contacts from displaying
  • Fixed an issue with account reordering within an Account Group

Version 6.1.8:

Note: Currently available for $30

  • Implemented several Dark Mode improvements on macOS
  • Disabled Quick Post function when more than one message is selected
  • Added missing content for Windows tab tooltip
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the right arrow key from opening messages in a new tab

Version 6.1.5:

  • Additional Dark Mode tuning and fixes
  • Added DuckDuckGo as a search engine
  • Added send status panel that displays in foreground, added preference for send in background in Preferences | Options > Composition > Advanced > Send in background
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when saving or attaching files on macOS Mojave
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent body and text colors from displaying properly in the preview pane
Postbox Mac 破解版 优秀的邮件客户端工具-麦氪派
Postbox Mac 破解版 优秀的邮件客户端工具-麦氪派

Postbox 7.0.3 Mac 破解版 下载

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获取帮助 荔枝正版 6.1.17 下载 6.1.11 下载 6.1.9 下载 6.1.5 下载 6.0.14 下载 6.0.11 下载 6.0.2 下载 5.0.15 下载 5.0.10 下载                

