Portfolio Bar for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 菜单栏股票行情工具


2017-07-14 3,594 百度已收录

Portfolio Bar 是一款Mac上的菜单栏股票行情工具,帮助我们查看指定股票的实时行情,了解最新的股票行情动态,很不错!

[Portfolio Bar 在Mac App Store上售价68元]

Portfolio Bar for Mac 1.2.3 介绍

Portfolio Bar makes it easy to stay up-to-date on the stocks, ETFs, and investments you care most about. With a highly customizable menu-bar display, you can track up to 20 of your favorite securities and get automatic background updates of their performance throughout the day. Portfolio Bar also makes it easy to view performance of 11 key sectors at a time, and to compare them across time periods.

Portfolio Bar makes use of deep integration with macOS, including Touch Bar support, a global customizable keyboard shortcut, and support for light and dark modes.

  • Cycle through each stock every minute in the menu bar
  • Show the top moving stock of your favorites
  • Overall average change of your favorites
  • Any individual stock
  • Just an icon (with 3 sets of icons to choose from)
Portfolio Bar for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 菜单栏股票行情工具-麦氪派
Portfolio Bar for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 菜单栏股票行情工具-麦氪派
Portfolio Bar for Mac 1.2.3 激活版 – 菜单栏股票行情工具-麦氪派

Portfolio Bar for Mac 1.2.3 下载

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