Pixelmator Pro 是知名的绘图软件Pixelmator的专业高级版本,专为Mac开发和优化,包含了全新的工作流以及更直观简单的编辑软件。它还采用了单窗口界面以及基于机器学习的智能图像编辑功能。它可以与 macOS High Sierra 完美集成,可以自动完成水平检测,智能快速选择以及更好的修复工具等优点,很强大!
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Pixelmator Pro 1.4.1 Mac 破解版 介绍
Pixelmator Pro for Mac是一款全功能和强大的图像编辑应用。充分利用了最新的Mac功能和技术,为您提供了快速,强大的工具,让您轻松地修改和增强图像,绘制或绘制,应用令人眼花缭乱的效果,或创建高级构图。一旦你的图像准备好了,将它们保存为流行的图像格式,通过电子邮件或社交网络分享,打印出来,或者即将它们添加到你的照片库。好的来自Pixelmator。
- 快速轻松地选择图像的任何部分
- 编辑和应用特殊效果到您的照片的部分
- 选择并移除照片中不需要的元素
- 从一个图像中剪出物体放置在另一个图像上
- 像在画布上一样使用Pixelmator进行绘制
- 使用不同的笔刷大小,形状,硬度和混合模式
- 调整笔刷设置以获得所需的外观
- 用美丽的渐变和颜色填充覆盖任何区域
- 纠正皱纹并修复划痕
- 使照片消失,删除或重新排列作品中的物体
- 模糊,锐化,变亮或变暗特定区域
- 重塑区域以巧妙地改善或给图像一个完全意想不到的外观
- 将不同的工具和效果结合起来,为您提供无数的方法来优化您的图像
- 轻松添加,创建,合并和编辑形状
- 快速添加线条,圆形,矩形,多边形以及更多自定义形状
- 轻松地应用阴影,填充和笔画更先进的形状
- 创建按钮,图标,网页元素,插图等等
- 玩超过160惊人的效果
- 将不同的效果结合在一起,创造独一无二的艺术创作
- 实时查看令人惊叹的结果
- 调整曝光度,色调,饱和度,阴影和高光,亮度,对比度等等
- 替换和重新混合颜色
- 通过单击即可显着改善不完美的图像
- 设计友好的界面功能,直观易用
- 轻松添加阴影,轮廓,颜色,渐变填充或反射等非破坏性图层效果
- 组合一组效果来创建和保存自己的独特图层样式预设
- 或者只是使用任何Pixelmator团队设计的图层样式预设
- 通过拖放应用任何图层样式预设
- 将图像直接发送到照片
- 使用PSD,TIFF,JPEG,PNG,PDF和许多其他常用格式打开和保存图像
- 使用图层打开并保存Photoshop图像
- 打开并保存每个通道图像的16位
- 让iCloud自动存储您编辑的图像,并将您的作品无缝地传送到所有的Mac电脑上
- 由于自动保存,跳过手动保存文档
- 从Pixelmator直接发送您的照片
- 将图像发布到社交应用程序,如Flickr,Twitter和Facebook
- 优化和保存图像,以便在您的网页,博客,相册等上使用
- 使用功能强大的Pixelmator修饰工具在照片应用程序内修饰照片
- 使用基于金属的Pixelmator扭曲工具重新整形图像,而无需离开照片
Pixelmator使用了许多macOS功能和技术,如Cocoa,OpenGL,OpenCL,Core Image,Grand Central Dispatch,64位,FaceTime相机,Automator,全屏,内置共享等等。而Pixelmator的漂亮的界面和图像编辑引擎已完全优化与Retina显示的MacBook Pro。
What's New in Pixelmator Pro
Version 1.4:
- The incredibly powerful new Photos extension lets you edit images using Pixelmator Pro without ever leaving the Photos app.
- Every Pixelmator Pro tool and feature is available in Photos.
- Save layers and other nondestructive changes directly to your Photos library and sync between computers via iCloud.
- Enjoy support for all Pixelmator Pro keyboard shortcuts in Photos. New Zoom Tool and Improved Crop Tool
- Effortlessly zoom and scroll images with the brand new Zoom tool.
- Use the Navigator to move around large images with ease.
- Check out the updated Crop tool - it now has a Delete mode, redesigned presets, and the ability to crop to custom pixel sizes.
- Use the new Delete mode to permanently delete unwanted image areas after cropping.
- Crop presets have been moved to the Tool Options pane, freeing up more editing space for your image.
- Constrain crops to exact pixel sizes.
- Flip Vertically and Flip Horizontally commands are now available in the Crop tool. Improvements
- You can now insert layered images - in PXD, PXM, SVG, or PSD format - right into existing Pixelmator Pro documents using drag and drop.
- Copying and pasting layered files from Finder or your desktop works, too.
- The Paint and Erase tools have been redesigned, moving presets into the Tool Options pane, highlighting individual brushes, and freeing up more editing space for your images.
- The Slice tool has also got itself a makeover, incorporating its presets into the Tool Options pane.
- The template chooser now includes a Devices category with iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch, and other screen sizes.
- Significantly improved performance when editing images with a large number of layers.
- The Pixelmator Pro file format has been optimized to reduce file sizes.
- Gradients and layer styles from the original Pixelmator can now be imported into Pixelmator Pro.
- Items in the Info bar are now double-clickable, so you can quickly change the size, color profile, color depth of your image or choose the Arrange tool.
- The Option-Command-F keyboard shortcut will now apply the Color Fill effect.
- The Control-H keyboard shortcut now toggles layer visibility.
- The Option-L keyboard shortcut now shows or hides the Layers sidebar.
- ML Fix has been renamed to ML and its appearance has been updated (to match Pixelmator Photo).
- A new Image menu is now available in the menu bar, containing commands like Image Size, Canvas Size, Color Depth, and more.
- When using the Repair or Clone tools, the Sample All Layers setting will now be disabled when a layer has effects, adjustments, or styles as this produces unexpected results.
- Pixelmator Pro presets in Automator will now update as soon as they are changed in Pixelmator Pro without having to quit the app.
- When exporting to PDF, you can change the color profile of the exported image in the Export dialog. Fixes
- PNG, TIFF, and JPEG images over 16000x16000 pixels in size were being opened empty. Fixed.
- Pressing and holding the Shift and Command keys while using the Free Transform tool would not highlight the Skew button. Fixed.
- Pressing and holding the Option, Command, and Shift keys while using the Free Transform tool would not highlight the Perspective button. Fixed.
- The Cancel button was not working in the progress dialog that appears when opening images. Fixed.
- Colors in the Touch Bar were not being matched to the document color space. Fixed.
- Improved compatibility with future versions of macOS.
Note: Pixelmator Pro documents saved in version 1.4 are not compatible with previous versions of Pixelmator Pro.
Version 1.3.2:
New Features
- Thanks to Portrait Mask support, Pixelmator Pro will now open photos taken in Portrait mode on iOS 12 together with a layer mask.
- Pixelmator Pro will now always use tabs by default and remember your window size and position for all new documents.
- Use the new Comics effect to quickly apply a comic book-style to any image - you can find this effect in the Stylize category.
- A number of new keyboard shortcuts make it easier to select, organize, and duplicate layers.
- Press the Slash (/) key to quickly lock and unlock layers.
- Option-Left bracket ([) and Option-Right bracket (]) let you select one layer up and down.
- Option-Comma (,) and Option-Period (.) let you select the top and bottom layer.
- Option-Arrow will now duplicate layers and move them by 1 pixel. Option-Shift-Arrow will duplicate and move by 10 pixels.
- Option-clicking a layer’s visibility icon will now hide all other layers.
- Zoom performance improvements speed up zooming in documents with many layers.
- Pressing the Return key while drawing a path will now close the path.
- Converting text to shape is now much (much) faster.
- The Repair tool progress bar will no longer be shown when making quick, small repairs.
- The Brightness adjustment is now more precise in images with extreme tonal ranges.
- Previously, the Channel Mixer used our perceptual color model to make prettier adjustments. Since it’s more of a functional adjustment rather than a creative one, it now mixes channels purely mathematically.
- Changing the rulers’ origin will now update the grid to match the new rulers.
- Pressing and holding the Shift key while changing the rulers’ origin will now snap it to the grid and objects in your composition.
- When you add a new, untagged layer to a tagged group, it will be assigned the group’s color tag.
- Attempting to use the Color Fill or Gradient Fill tools on text or shape layers will now create an empty new layer and fill that instead of doing nothing at all.
- Added an Add Guide command to the View menu’s Guides submenu.
- Whenever possible, Pixelmator Pro will try to preserve the font face when changing font family.
- Improved compatibility with certain kinds of text layers in Photoshop documents.
- The orientation of masks in Portrait images exported from the Photos app would be incorrect. Fixed.
- Using the arrows in the Arrange tool, it was sometimes possible to resize layers to an invalid size. Fixed.
- Attempting to add effects to extremely tall and narrow layers would occasionally cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Fixed.
Pixelmator Pro 1.4.1 Mac 破解版 下载
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