Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的图片编辑和绘图工具


2017-12-02 3,648 百度已收录

Pixelmator Pro 是知名的绘图软件Pixelmator的专业高级版本,专为Mac开发和优化,包含了全新的工作流以及更直观简单的编辑软件。它还采用了单窗口界面以及基于机器学习的智能图像编辑功能。它可以与 macOS High Sierra 完美集成,可以自动完成水平检测,智能快速选择以及更好的修复工具等优点,很强大!

[Pixelmator Pro在Mac App Store上售价人民币388元]

Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 介绍

Pixelmator Pro是一个功能强大、美观、易用的图像编辑器,专为Mac设计。

Pixelmator Pro提供了一系列专业级的、非破坏性的图像编辑工具,可以让你在照片中展现出最好的效果,创造出漂亮的构图和设计,绘制,绘画,应用惊人的效果,设计漂亮的文字,以及编辑图片,你可以想象。得益于它的直观和易于访问的设计,Pixelmator Pro很容易使用——无论你是刚刚开始进行图像编辑,还是你是一个经验丰富的专业人士。



Version 1.0.3:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented using units other than pixels when changing canvas size.
  • Pressing the Command-A keyboard shortcut will now select text in text fields and dialogs if they are active, instead of the entire canvas.
  • Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly when removing a layer while editing effects applied to it. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly when selecting brush presets.
  • If the stroke layer style failed to appear when selected, Pixelmator Pro would sometimes quit unexpectedly. Fixed.
  • Using the Color Fill tool on an empty layer with preserve transparency enabled would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly. Fixed.
  • Fixed several related issues that would cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding while painting.
  • Fixed several issues that would cause Pixelmator Pro to quit unexpectedly while opening PSD files.
  • Improved the overall stability of the Arrange tool.
Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的图片编辑和绘图工具-麦氪派
Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的图片编辑和绘图工具-麦氪派
Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的图片编辑和绘图工具-麦氪派
Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的图片编辑和绘图工具-麦氪派
Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 破解版 – 优秀的图片编辑和绘图工具-麦氪派

Pixelmator Pro for Mac 1.0.3 下载

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