PhotoBulk: Watermark, Resize and Optimize for Mac 2.0.3 破解版 – 图片批量水印工具


2017-11-19 2,364 百度已收录

这是一款Mac平台的图片批量水印工具,无论是文字类还是图片类的水印,PhotoBulk 都能替你加上,通过两侧写着 text 和 image 的开关就能调节。对于水印,软件提供了一些最基本的设置,比如文字的字体、大小,图片的分辨率、透明度等。

[PhotoBulk 在Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

PhotoBulk for Mac 2.0.3 介绍

PhotoBulk is an easy-to-use bulk image editor that lets you add text/image watermark, resize, and optimize hundreds or thousands of images or photos in just one click. Just drag-and-drop your images onto the app, choose the desired actions, and press the start button. Voila!

Supported Formats
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • BMP
  • TIFF

Save time on image processing with PhotoBulk, a simple app for batch/bulk resizing, optimization, and watermarking photos and images.


Version 2.0.3:

  • Fixed: an issue when output images could be corrupted after adding some image watermarks.
  • Fixed: an issue when the TIFF image transparency wouldn't have been preserved after processing even in cases without converting to another format with no transparency support.
PhotoBulk: Watermark, Resize and Optimize for Mac 2.0.3 破解版 – 图片批量水印工具-麦氪派
PhotoBulk: Watermark, Resize and Optimize for Mac 2.0.3 破解版 – 图片批量水印工具-麦氪派
PhotoBulk: Watermark, Resize and Optimize for Mac 2.0.3 破解版 – 图片批量水印工具-麦氪派
PhotoBulk: Watermark, Resize and Optimize for Mac 2.0.3 破解版 – 图片批量水印工具-麦氪派

PhotoBulk for Mac 2.0.3 下载

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