Photo to Movie for Mac 5.4.1 破解版 – 优秀的电子相册制作工具


2016-02-29 9,716 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。 Photo to Movie 是一款Mac上优秀的电子相册制作工具,可以快速方便的将你的照片制作为视频,加入各种特效和音乐,有制作电子相册需求的可以试试!

[Photo to Movie 在Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]

Photo to Movie for Mac 5.4.1 介绍

Photo to Movie enables you to create a movie by zooming and panning over a photo. It presents a simple interface to specify the starting and ending frames and generates full quality QuickTime or DV Stream files (compatible with iMovie).

You can use Photo to Movie to:

  • Graphically select the starting and ending frames
  • Select the position and zoom of the starting and ending frames
  • Preview the starting and ending frames as you edit them
  • Preview the entire movie during editing
  • Drag desired images directly into the configuration window
  • Drag and drop photos directly from iPhoto
  • Set the length of the exported movie
  • Export NTSC 29.97 fps 720x480 4:3 video suitable for iMovie
  • Export PAL 25 fps 720x576 4:3 video suitable for iMovie
  • Export movies to QuickTime or to DV Stream
  • Import DV Stream directly into iMovie
Photo to Movie for Mac 5.4.1 破解版 – 优秀的电子相册制作工具-麦氪派

Photo to Movie for Mac 5.4.1 下载

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