PeakHour Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的实时网络监控工具

网络监控 版本号:4.1.7

2019-10-31 3,683 百度已收录


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PeakHour 4.1.7 Mac 破解版 介绍


PeakHour 4是一个漂亮的网络带宽和网络质量的可视化工具,它生活在你的Mac OS菜单栏中,为你的互联网、WiFi和其他兼容设备提供即时和历史的吞吐量和质量的视图。

* * * *重要

PeakHour 4允许您可视化网络流量,以实现兼容的路由器和网络设备。我们强烈建议您访问我们的网站以获得有关兼容性的信息。点击“数字化网站”链接,或访问peakhourapp.com获取更多信息。


PeakHour 4非常适合监控你的兼容网络设备*:互联网、WiFi、NAS、服务器等等。PeakHour 4提供了你的设备使用的带宽的实时可视视图。PeakHour 4也可以分析你的连接质量,实时显示ISP和网络拥塞。数据是随时间收集的,并且可以在强大的历史视图中进行分析,它可以让您查看以前收集的数据,在任何时间期间,可以在可调的细节级别上进行。


PeakHour 4也可以跟踪个人的总使用情况,如果你每月的津贴上限或限制,也可以追踪你的互联网使用情况。当您达到一定的使用阈值时,PeakHour 4可以发送电子邮件通知或系统通知。

Thanks for all you feedback so far. If you're experiencing issues, please get in contact with us at If you love PeakHour, please leave a review!

使用最新版本的Swift、AppKit和Xcode为macOS High Sierra构建。这个版本包含了在查看历史时可能发生的崩溃的一个重要修复。



What's New in PeakHour

Version 4.1.7:

  • Added: Compatibility with macOS Catalina.
  • Fixed: Potential crash when using PeakHour Remote.
  • Improved: History window now shows summary statistics (either total upload/download, average upload/download speed or average latency stats) in the title.

Version 4.1.6:

  • Fixed: A rare crash.
  • Improved: Migrated from HockeyApp to MS AppCenter for Crash Analytics.
  • Improved: PeakHour is now Notarised by Apple, in preparation for the release of macOS Catalina.

Version 4.1.5:

  • Fixed: Occasional crash when using PeakHour Remote.

Version 4.1.4:

  • Fixed: Crash on macOS 10.10.
  • Fixed: Zoom state of graphs should now be remembered between restarts.
  • Improved: Cleaned up vibrancy and appearance of the toolbar on older versions of macOS.
  • Improved: Connection Quality monitors now get a sensible default description.

Version 4.1.2:

New Features:
  • Added "Last 7 Days" period to the History dropdown.
  • Added a shortcut button to go straight to editing the interface of an SNMP target.
  • Re-worked the "Target" tab in Preferences. Target Description is now at the very top (click to edit) and the overall layout has been simplified and de-cluttered.
  • Choosing which target to monitor for Usage could sometimes have unexpected results.
  • Usage Monitoring can now only be enabled if you have a working Bandwidth Monitor.
  • The horizontal time-scale labels now change color when switching Dark Mode on and off.
  • Some minor tweaks to colors for Dark Mode.
PeakHour Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的实时网络监控工具-麦氪派
PeakHour Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的实时网络监控工具-麦氪派
PeakHour Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的实时网络监控工具-麦氪派
PeakHour Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的实时网络监控工具-麦氪派
PeakHour Mac 破解版 Mac上优秀的实时网络监控工具-麦氪派

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