Path Finder 是一个文件浏览器,结合熟悉的搜索界面与强大的实用程序和创新的功能。Path Finder 是一款功能强劲并足以取代Finder的超赞软件,它完全能够媲美Finder,并且屡受好评。
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Path Finder 9.0.5 Mac 破解版 介绍
Path Finder for Mac部分功能集介绍:
- 双窗格的文件浏览器
- 快速地管理您的硬盘驱动器上的多个位置,并在一个窗口中的选项卡
- 您的文件如何重新排序呈现,以满足您的个人喜好
- 快速轻松地查看隐藏文件和Mac OS X包内的导航信息
- 访问经常使用的文件夹,文件和应用程序下架,并保存多个货架设置,以适应不同的活动
- 暂停投递堆栈把文件转换成供将来使用的拖动和拖放操作
- 创建和转换磁盘映像
- 访问OS X命令行
What's New in Path Finder
Version 9.0.5:
- Fixes empty keyboard preferences list on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
- Fixes secure delete on APFS volumes.
Version 9.0.4:
News, changes and improvements:
- Added ability to add custom files into the browser window toolbar using file selector (the old way with drag'n'drop stopped working in macOS 10.14 Mojave).
- Added ability to add regular files into Sidebar's "Favorites".
- Postpone copying, moving, deleting or archiving files if they are busy
- Fixed disabling automatic update checks.
- Fixed potential crash when looking for SMB shares.
- Fixed potential random crash when connected to Windows server with
- Fixed potential crash when creating RAM disk.
- Path Finder 9 brings back collapsable module shelves, known from version 7 and earlier. There are four shelves, on each side of the browser window. But now, each shelf is fully customizable and can accomodate for arbitrary number of freely arranged and customised modules, known from version 8. Hence, Path Finder 9 merges the best of both worlds; many customized modules, easilly collapsable to gain more browsing space when necessary
- Appart from collapsable shelfs, Path Finder 9 brings many significant improvements in the way applicaton performs and behaves. It improves compatibility with macOS 10.15 Catalina, fixes many potential crashes, memory and CPU consumption issues, UI and other bugs and annoyances. Numerous small features are added and exising one improved and redesigned. Overall, the application is more robust and stable, providing a solid foundation for further development and improvements.
Version 9.0.3:
- Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
Version 9.0.1:
- Fixes empty keyboard preferences list on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra).
- Fixes secure delete on APFS volumes.
Path Finder 9.0.5 Mac 破解版 下载
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