Paste Mac 破解版 华丽的剪切板记录增强工具

原生中文 版本号:2.5.3

2019-11-27 10,664 百度已收录

Paste 是一款Mac上的剪切板记录增强工具,本站曾经分享过多款类似的工具,功能虽然都相似,但论软件界面效果和华丽程度,Paste当属第一,Paste可以记录最近指定条数的剪切板信息,方便随时调用,非常不错!

[Paste 在官网售价 14.99 美元]

Paste 2.5.3 Mac 破解版 介绍




  • 将剪贴板历史记录容量扩展到无限
  • 历史管理、规则和例外
  • 灵活滤波器的智能搜索
  • 同时选择并粘贴多个项目
  • 将多个项拖放到任何应用程序中。
  • 粘贴纯文本或丰富文本
  • 通过AirDrop将剪贴板历史记录发送到其他设备或与朋友共享


What's New in Paste

Version 2.5.2:

  • Based on the feedback for the sequential Shift+Cmd+V behavior, it seems like the old version worked better, so there we go: the sequential Shift+Cmd+V shows and hides Paste, the next/previous pinboard shortcuts navigate you through the pinboards.

Version 2.5.0:

Note: Now requires OS X 10.13 or later

  • For those who prefer using a mouse or touchpad, Paste gets one click closer: a single click on the staus item in the main menu bar activates Paste while a right-click brings the good-old menu;
  • For the keyboard shortcuts fans, a sequential Shift+Cmd+V (or your own activation shortcut) from now on will navigate you through your pinboards instead of hiding Paste.

Version 2.4.4:

  • A few minor performances improvements
  • Changed the voice of Paste

Version 2.4.2:

  • This is our first update in 2019 and it's about security

Version 2.4.1:

  • Performance and stability fixes
  • Some corrections in Chinese Traditional translation


Paste Mac 破解版 华丽的剪切板记录增强工具-麦氪派

Paste 2.5.3 Mac 破解版 下载

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