Paragon NTFS 15 for Mac 15.0.729 破解版 – Mac上NTFS分区的必备工具


2017-05-29 21,377 百度已收录

Paragon NTFS 可以说是 Mac 上最知名的一款 NTFS 分区驱动了,能够让我们读写 NTFS 分区,因为在Mac OS X 系统上,默认对NTFS分区只能读而不能写,但我们的移动硬盘或U盘很多都是用NTFS进行的分区,所以当你发现在Mac上无法往移动硬盘或U盘中写入数据时,大部分原因是你没有按照NTFS分区驱动,安装此软件即可。

[Paragon NTFS 在官网上售价19.95美元,约合人民币120元]

Paragon NTFS 15 for mac 15.0.729  介绍

前所未有的高性能NTFS。 传输速递与在原始HFS文件系统中一样!

完全读写访问NTFS。 Mac OS X对NTFS(Windows PC的主文件系统)提供有限支持。通过Paragon的Mac OS X专用NTFS,您可以在Mac OS X中完全读写访问NFTS

支持Mac OS X Leopard、Snow Leopard (32和64字节)、Lion和Mountain Lion, Mavericks




非罗马字符或语言 其它语言的文件或文件夹:包括中文、韩文、日语和俄语

无最大文件/分区尺寸限制 (在Mac OS X和NTFS的性能中)


支持最新的 OS X 10.9 Mavericks





前所未有的高级性能能够让Windows卷册的传递速度与在原始Mac OS文件系统中一致。

Paragon NTFS breaks down the barriers between Windows and OS X. Paragon NTFS effectively solves the communication problems between the Mac system and NTFS, providing full read and write access to Windows NTFS partitions under OS X. Excellent solution for end users, SOHO, and enterprise, supports all NTFS versions from Windows NT 3.1 to Windows 8 (NTFS versions 1.2, 3.0, and 3.1), and mounts the NTFS volumes as native ones.

  • Unprecedented high NTFS performance. The transfer rate is the same as with the native HFS file system!
  • Full read/write access to NTFS. OS X provides limited support of NTFS, the primary file system of any Windows® PC. With Paragon’s NTFS for you’ll get full read/write access to any version of NTFS under OS X
  • Support for OS X 10.5 and 10.6 (32 and 64 bit), and OS X 10.7-10.11
  • Easy to install. The driver is easily installed through a new user-friendly wizard
  • Easy to use. Mount any NTFS partition like a native one - no need to perform special commands to get access; just attach a disk or other media with NTFS partition and use it as you wish
  • Create and repair NTFS partitions under the same way you usually do with HFS/HFS+
  • Software update center. Get notifications about new updates and perform them by clicking only one button. That's all you need to do to keep your software updated
  • Non-Roman characters and languages. File and folder names in national languages, including Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian
  • No limitation to maximum file/partition size (within OS X and NTFS specifications)
  • Native support for extended attributes
Paragon NTFS 15 for Mac 15.0.729 破解版 – Mac上NTFS分区的必备工具-麦氪派

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