Papers for Mac 3.4.4 激活版 – 优秀的论文写作工具


2016-05-11 4,716 百度已收录


[Papers 3 在官网上售价79美元,约合人民币480元]

Papers for Mac 3.4.4 介绍

Papers is your personal library of science.

Read, Write, Cite. Your research will never be the same with Papers and Magic Manuscripts.

Papers revolutionizes the way you deal with your research documents. It allows you to search for them, download and organize them together with supplementary material, allows you to read them full screen, highlight and keep notes, sync them to your iPad or iPhone, cite them in your favorite word processor, share them with your colleagues, and much, much more. Welcome to your personal library of research!


Version 3.4.4:

Matching UI
  • Need to access your PDFs while matching? We now present the matching panel as a floating window (rather than a popover), so you can move or resize the panel as you wish.
  • You can also add queries to match searches by control-clicking on content in the reader view, then selecting "Match with Selection" from the context menu.
  • The import date property of the publication item class is now writable
  • Added read-only support for collections:
    • Walk the hierarchy of both manual and smart collections, i.e., list all top-level collections and get their child collections (and again their parents).
    • Get the publications contained in a collection.
    • Rename collections.
    • Get all the manual collections that contain a publication.
    • Filter publications by the name of their collections. i.e., get only those publications which are contained. in manual collections matching a certain name.
  • It is now possible to open Papers libraries by dragging them onto the Papers application icon.
  • Improved the appearance of the inspector.
  • Adds advanced configuration options for administrators managing Papers installations inside of an institution. Learn more on our knowledge base.
  • Updates CSL styles.
  • Removes option to upload your libraries for matching.
  • Updates the license agreement.
  • Adds an option to send usage statistics to help improve future versions.
  • Fixes some UI rendering errors that affected windows in El Capitan.
  • Restores the loupe icon in the library search field.
  • Papers will remember if you choose "Selected Papers Only" as your export scope.
  • It is now possible to search using the ACM search engine again.
  • Papers will no longer crash when filtering certain fields.
  • Resolves a crash when importing exceptionally large Papers 2 libraries.
  • Papers now uses HTTPS when checking for updates.
  • Papers will now leave full screen mode when placed into a mode that doesn't support full screen.
Papers for Mac 3.4.4 激活版 – 优秀的论文写作工具-麦氪派
Papers for Mac 3.4.4 激活版 – 优秀的论文写作工具-麦氪派
Papers for Mac 3.4.4 激活版 – 优秀的论文写作工具-麦氪派
Papers for Mac 3.4.4 激活版 – 优秀的论文写作工具-麦氪派

Papers for Mac 3.4.4 下载

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