OnyX for Mac 3.2.8 破解版 – 优秀的系统维护优化工具


2017-08-08 3,579 百度已收录

OnyX 可以帮助你检视启动的磁盘信息和文件系统的结构信息,而且可以运行很多的系统维护子程序,比如配置Finder,Dock, Dashboard, Exposé, Safari, Login window中的一些隐藏的功能。

OnyX for Mac 3.2.8 介绍

OnyX is a multifunctional utility for OS X. It allows you to verify the startup disk and the structure of its System files, to run miscellaneous tasks of system maintenance, to configure the hidden parameters of the Finder, Dock, Spotlight, and of some of Apple's own applications, to delete caches, to remove a certain number of files and folders that may become cumbersome, and more.


Version 3.2.8:

  • Repairing permissions is possible again
  • Deleting the Internet cache improved
  • New Simplified Chinese translation added
  • Some parts of the source code optimized
  • Integrates version 3.20.0 of SQLite3
  • Help improved, corrected, and re-indexed
  • Miscellaneous minor corrections made
OnyX for Mac 3.2.8 破解版 – 优秀的系统维护优化工具-麦氪派

OnyX for Mac 3.2.8 下载

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