OnOne PhotoFrame 4.6 Professional Edition 摄影后期图像外框制作 ┆ KeyGen


2011-08-15 2,903 百度已收录

onOne软件公司推出了PhotoFrame 的专业版和标准版。该软件可作为插件安装于Adobe Photoshop 和 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2软件中,软件的特色是帮摄影师将拍摄作品通过画框更完美的展示,专业版比标准版增加了更多的画框及装饰物的矢量图。软件内置独特的画框边缘效果,包括普 通木质画框效果丶花边丶装饰物及纹理效果等。该软件提供的数以百计的新画框对婚礼摄影师更是大有帮助。

PhotoFrame 包括新的易于使用的框架管理界面,管理内容细致入微,更方便用户使用。其新增加的新画框图书馆(New Frame Library)功能可以让用户搜索到想要使用的画框并进行预览,可根据照片选择最适合照片尺寸的相框;增加的图书馆管理选项(New Library Management Options)可以让用户将自己设计的画框导入软件中并方便查找;新的输出选项增加了新的调色盘选项,可以让摄影师控制相框如何应用到照片上。相框与照 片重迭时,可以建立新的图层,通过Adobe Photoshop软件还能选择将某几个图层合并;软件还支持对多相框进行大小丶方向丶旋转角度丶透明度等调整功能。


PhotoFrame 对於照片的编修来说是个不错且实用的工具,可以将原本平平无奇的照片改头换面一番,不再是死板板的千篇一律。PhotoFrame就如同它的名字一般是专 门用来为您的照片修边的,您可以运用PhotoFrame中内建的一些边框效果来做出照片的特效,甚至您觉得不够的话还可以透过多个边框合成或者是自制的 方式来实现您的创意!


在PhotoFrame之中主要使采用对话窗的方式来建立边框效果 的,您可以随意的将您所喜爱的边框加入,若您觉得不甚满意的话还可以将两个以上的边框重迭,这样也别有一番风味,另外PhotoFrame也不限制您的边 框一定要是规规矩矩的长方形,您可以将您所选择的边框做旋转的动作,或者是将边框加以放大缩小,使您的图片看起来更具有变化性。






Create album layouts or add a frame or edge effect with the large library of professionally designed edges, textures, backgrounds and adornments.
NEW! 27 new Wedding layouts added.
NEW! 6 new Senior portrait layouts added.
NEW! 8 new film and photographic edges added.
NEW! 48 new background papers added.
NEW! 8 new adornments added.
PhotoFrame 4.6 Professional Edition features over a thousand design elements like film edges, borders, textures, backgrounds and adornments. It even has complete layouts where you just drop in your image. PhotoFrame 4.6 Professional Edition is the easiest and fastest way to add an authentic darkroom touch with a film edge or to create beautiful albums or scrapbook pages. It includes all the tools you need to find the perfect design elements, add them to your image and control things like size, color and opacity. You can even stack multiple elements to create your own designs and save them as a preset you can use in a single-click inside of Photoshop, Lightroom or Aperture.
Create Album Layouts
You can create full page layouts inside of PhotoFrame 4.6. Just start with a blank canvas and your images. You can add a background to the page, then size and reposition your image and then add elements like frames and adornments. With the New abilities to resize your image layer, the ability to move elements, such as backgrounds, under the target layer and rulers and guides it has never been faster to create great looking albums. If you create a layout you love, save it as a preset so you can use it again like a template.
Complete Library of Design Elements
Now, it is easier than ever to add authentic film and darkroom edge effects to your images. But PhotoFrame is about more than just edges and frames. It includes an extensive library of design elements including edges, frames, backgrounds, textures, adornments, even complete page layouts. The Library window gives you a fast way to find the perfect element and preview it with your image.
Design Element Collections
PhotoFrame 4.6 includes several new collections of design elements. From the Whimsical Collection featuring fresh and bright design elements that are perfect for children and family layouts to the new Family Event Collection that includes elements and layouts for the special events in our lives like birthdays, graduation and holidays. Also included is the Bohemian collection for high school seniors with a distinct, vintage look.
Create Full Layouts
You can create full page layouts inside of PhotoFrame 4.6. Just start with a blank canvas and your images. You can add a background to the page, then size and reposition your image and then add elements like frames and adornments. With the New abilities to resize your image layer, the ability to move elements, such as backgrounds, under the target layer and rulers and guides it has never been faster to create great looking albums. If you create a layout you love, save it as a preset so you can use it again like a template.
Output Your Way
You have the option to add design elements to the current layer, or a new layer. You can also have each frame rendered to its own layer so you can make further adjustments or masking in Photoshop. You can even apply a frame as a layer mask so you can selectively blend multiple layers together. PhotoFrame 4.6 adds the ability to output design elements as a clipping mask to the several output methods already available. Clipping masks are a great way to vary the shape or edge of an image layer in an editable, non-destructive fashion. (note, output options are limited in Apple Aperture).
onOne Panel
The new onOne Panel in Adobe Photoshop allows you to quickly launch PhotoFrame without having to navigate through Photoshop's menus. But it takes that power even farther by giving you access to your favorite presets right from the panel as well. This will save time by allowing you to apply your most frequently used effects right inside of Photoshop.


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