OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 序号版 – 强大的信息大纲记录工具


2017-05-10 4,688 百度已收录

OmniOutliner 是一款由Omni出品的文本信息大纲编写记录工具,OmniOutliner 可用于编写待办事项清单,建立日程,管理任务,跟踪费用,笔记,计划活动等,非常好用的一款大纲书写工具!

[OmniOutliner Pro 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币648元]

OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 介绍

Omnioutliner pro for mac是对您日常工作想法记录的一款软件工具,OmniOutliner可以草案待办事项清单,建立日程,管理任务,跟踪费用,笔记,计划活动。



OmniOutliner is a flexible program for creating, collecting, and organizing information. Give your creativity a kick start by using an application that's actually designed to help you think. It's like having an extra brain - one that doesn't keep losing the car keys.

You can use OmniOutliner's document structure to create hierarchies of main headings and subpoints that can be expanded and collapsed, which are immensely useful when it comes to brainstorming new ideas, drilling out specifics, and lining up steps needed to get everything done. But you aren't limited to outlines - you've got multiple columns, smart checkboxes, customizable popup lists, and an Über-innovative styles system at your disposal.

Use OmniOutliner to draft to-do lists, create agendas, manage tasks, track expenses, take notes, plan events, write screenplays...and just about anything else you can think of.


Version 5.0.2:

Note: version 5.x is a paid upgrade. Upgrade pricing can be viewed here.

  • General - OmniOutliner 5 should always be recognized by Launch Services as the default for .ooutline files regardless of what other apps are installed. If you’re still having trouble associating .ooutline files with OmniOutliner 5, please contact support with Help > Contact Omni.
  • Styles - Fixed cases where moving between rows with the arrow keys would not reset the style attributes to the default for the current row. This could have caused Essentials to create documents that would be detected as Pro.
  • Columns - Changes to a column width due to typing a value in the Width field in the Column Type inspector are correctly saved.
  • Columns - When the window border lines up with a column edge, it will not be possible to resize that column by dragging on that edge in the row content area. This is to prevent accidental changes to the column size when the intent is to change the window size. The right-most column edge in the column header area is still a valid target for drag-resizing in this case.
  • Columns - Resizing additional columns through any means, including using the Resize to Fit option, will not turn off Autosize for the outline column. Instead the outline column will adjust width to accommodate the change after the resize is done, assuming size constraints are not encountered.
  • Columns - In full-screen mode, the Autosize setting for the outline column will be disabled and can not be changed. Adjusting the outline column width, or in turn adjusting the margins, will preserve the Autosize setting. This allows adjustment of margins in full-screen mode while still returning to an autosizing document in window mode.
  • Columns - In split-screen mode, the Autosize feature for the outline column will act like the document is in window mode instead of full-screen. This allows you to adjust the split-screen size without also having to manually adjust your outline width.
  • Interface - Changes to the background color of the Column Titles style will properly update on screen.
  • Import - Importing a plain text or rich text file to the Pro Edition will correctly enable the use of the sidebars.
  • General - Unlocking Essentials or Pro when open documents are in the read-only state will automatically enable those documents for edits.
  • Print - Essentials will not automatically scale print output to fit page width. Instead it will always wrap the content to the page width and respect the print scale in Page Setup.
  • Print - The Print option of Filter rows by status checkbox > Include unchecked will include mixed state rows so unchecked child rows appear.
  • Interface - Fixed alignment of the Info button in the .oo3 file format upgrade bar.
  • Copy/Paste - Pasting data from earlier versions of Excel no longer result in a PDF attachment.
  • Exports - Changed the RTF export format to use multiple leading tabs per row level so that apps such as Mail that don’t properly support modified tab stops will appear with correct indentation. Wrapped text still may not appear correctly aligned in these cases.
  • Stability - Fixed a crash triggered by collapsing a section in the keyboard shortcut list while the shortcut field had focus.
  • Toolbar - The Share button will have priority to be visible in the toolbar when there isn’t room for all icons to display due to it being non-functional when moved to the extras menu.
  • Exports - Exporting to the .oo3 format preserves the Status values when Status Checkboxes are hidden.
OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 序号版 – 强大的信息大纲记录工具-麦氪派
OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 序号版 – 强大的信息大纲记录工具-麦氪派
OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 序号版 – 强大的信息大纲记录工具-麦氪派
OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 序号版 – 强大的信息大纲记录工具-麦氪派
OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 序号版 – 强大的信息大纲记录工具-麦氪派

OmniOutliner Pro for Mac 5.0.2 下载

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