OmniFocus Pro Mac 破解版 优秀的GTD效率工具
Omni Group 版本号:3.4.4
2019-12-10 8,427 百度已收录
OmniFocus 是一款IOS 和Mac平台上最强大的书籍与事务管理方法“Getting Things Done”工具,你可以有条理有逻辑的安排好你的工作和生活。主要协助您捕捉并管理各项事务与点子,发挥生产力;您可以用它来储存、管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也提供了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作。
[OmniFocus 在官网售价 39.99 美元]
OmniFocus 3.4.4 Mac 破解版 介绍
OmniFocus的开发概念是来自David Allen的书籍与事务管理方法“Getting Things Done”,主要协助您捕捉并管理各项事务与点子,发挥生产力;您可以用它来储存、管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也提供了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作。
使用 OmniFocus 每天成就更大成功。创建项目和任务,使用标签进行组织,集中精力处理并完成当下工作。
OmniFocus 作为广受信赖、堪称黄金标准的待办事项应用程序,现已迎来第十个年头。OmniFocus 为 Mac 带来无与伦比的强大功能和灵活性,让您以自己的方式轻松搞定工作。
OmniFocus 让您的繁忙生活有条不紊。使用项目以自然方式组织任务,然后添加标签实现跨项目组织。在移动中轻松进入任务,用零碎时间处理要务。“预测”视图同时显示任务和日历事件,让您一日安排全掌握。使用“检查”透视,您更可令项目和任务全程不偏航。
别忘了,我们还提供免费的同步系统,以便您保持多台 Mac 数据一致。(包括与 OmniFocus for iOS 及网络版同步 - 另售。)您的数据已经加密,因此可在云端安全存储。
- 新增:标签为您增加了一种强大的组织工具。为人物、精力程度、优先级、位置等创建标签。
- 新增:“预测”视图按顺序显示任务和日历事件,日常安排一目了然。
- 新增:提升的重复任务比以往更易设置,轻松应对诸如每个月第一个工作日等真实场景。
- 新增:现代、新鲜而熟悉的设计帮您集中精神处理内容。
- 收件箱是您快速添加任务的地方,您可以在想起时保存,并稍后进行整理。
- 同步支持端到端加密,无论数据存储在我们的或您的服务器,都能保证数据安全。
- 备注可附加到任务,为您提供全部所需信息。
- 附件 - 图形、视频、音频,包括您想要的所有内容 - 为任务添加丰富信息。
- 使用“视图”选项,您可以自定义每个透视,由您决定其显示内容及任务的过滤方式。
- “检查”透视让您清晰了解项目和任务,以便一切井然有序。
- OmniFocus Mail Drop 通过电子邮件添加任务,同时兼容 IFTTT 和 Zapier 等服务(如果您使用我们的免费同步服务器)。
- “今天”小工具为您显示最重要的项目,您甚至无需切换到应用即可了解最新动态。
- 支持 TaskPaper Text 及 omnifocus:///add 和 /paste,让您使用 URL 实现自动化。
Pro 功能让 OmniFocus 更强大:
PRO 功能(可通过应用内购买获得)
- 使用自定义透视,您可以将项目及标签进行过滤和分组,以创建查看数据的新方式。新增:过滤规则使用起来更简单,但功能比以往更强大,您现在可以使用“全部”、“任何”及“无”组合规则。您还可以选择使用任意图片作为自定义透视的图标,并搭配有自定义色调。
- 新增:今日“预测”可包含带有特定标签的项目,您可以按自选方式重新排列这些任务,以便更好地计划当日。
- 通过可自定义的工具条,您可以按自己需要的方式组织透视,以获得极速访问。
- “今天”小工具在“通知中心”中显示您选择的透视。
- AppleScript 支持使用 Apple 的 Mac 脚本编制语言,实现各种自动化。
- 立即下载 OmniFocus,开始免费试用!此应用程序包括手册,我们的网站还提供大量文档。
What's New in OmniFocus
Version 3.4.4:
- Sync — Fixed a problem that could result in extra sync activity and poor performance if many copies of OmniFocus were syncing to the same location.
- App Store — Fixed a problem where App Store copies of OmniFocus could lose their licensed status while AirPlay was active on Macs with wired ethernet connections.
Version 3.4:
- Database Migration - The ability to drop individual actions requires that all of your syncing devices are running OmniFocus 3.4 for Mac or 3.3 for iOS (or later). Once all of your devices have been updated, you’ll be prompted to migrate your database to support the new feature
- Action Status - Updated the logic that determines whether an action is available based on tag status. The rules are as follows:
- A task with all dropped tags is unavailable
- A task with any on-hold tag is unavailable
- A task with any other mixture of tags is available
- A task with its own explicit status (completed or dropped) always respects that status
- A task with no tags is available
- First Run - We’ve updated the OmniFocus for Mac first run experience for the optional OmniFocus subscription. If you’re a customer who already owns OmniFocus for Mac and/or iOS and would like to use OmniFocus for the Web, check out the Web Add-On Subscription option at the bottom of
- Dropped Actions - It’s now possible to drop an individual action using the inspector, the keyboard shortcut option-space, or by option-clicking its status circle. Dropping an item is a great way to preserve an action even though you’ve decided not to do it
- AppleScript - Added the properties dropped, effectively dropped, dropped date, and the verbs mark dropped and mark incomplete to tasks. Scripts which use set status to dropped on projects should be updated to use mark dropped
- AppleScript - mark complete and mark dropped now return the task which was marked complete or dropped. For a non-repeating item, this is the same instance which received the message. For a repeating item, the instance that was marked complete or dropped before the repeat was applied and the original item was moved forward is returned
- Perspectives - Added Due & Flagged as a new perspective sort criteria for database that have been migrated to the latest version (items with due dates or flags are shown first)
- Perspectives - You can now filter, sort, and group actions by dropped status
- Repeats - It’s now possible to "skip" an occurrence of a repeating item by dropping it. You’ll be prompted whether to schedule the next occurrence or drop the item completely
- Sorting - Added By Date Dropped to the Organize > Sort Once submenu
- Clean Up - Fixed a problem where Clean Up didn’t automatically happen when changing perspectives
- Counting - Fixed a problem with summary counts in sequential projects with where a grandchild action group contained completed actions
- Crash - Fixed a crash when attempting to create a new project in free viewer mode or undoing creation of a new project when licensed
- First Run - OmniFocus now refuses to sync with incompatible databases during first run, rather than allowing syncing without migrating them, which led to later problems
- Forecast - Prevented events from the system "Found in Natural Language" calendar from appearing in Forecast
- Outline View - Fixed a few rendering problems in the outline when running a beta version of macOS
- Sidebar - Improved the alignment of folder and project icons in the sidebar
- Omni Account - If you’re signed into an Omni Account you can now see more information about your account, including any active subscription, via the OmniFocus > Omni Account menu item
- Action Groups - Completing an action group no longer explicitly completes every action in that group. Instead, the actions inherit the completed status
- Action Status - Actions in projects or action groups that are completed or dropped now inherit their container’s status-similar to the existing behavior of due dates, defer dates, and flags. The Completed perspective and Availability: Dropped perspective filter rule match actions that inherit a completed or dropped status
- Smaller Fixes and Improvements
OmniFocus 3.4.4 Mac 破解版 下载
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