OmniFocus 2 Pro for Mac 2.6.2 序号版 – 最优秀的GTD效率工具
2016-08-23 5,808 百度已收录
OmniFocus 是一款IOS 和Mac平台上最强大的书籍与事务管理方法“Getting Things Done”工具,你可以有条理有逻辑的安排好你的工作和生活。主要协助您捕捉并管理各项事务与点子,发挥生产力;您可以用它来储存、管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也提供了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作。
[OmniFocus Pro 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币258元]
OmniFocus 2 Pro for Mac 2.6.2 介绍
OmniFocus的开发概念是来自David Allen的书籍与事务管理方法“Getting Things Done”,主要协助您捕捉并管理各项事务与点子,发挥生产力;您可以用它来储存、管理及处理各项动作或任务,而任务或各项目可被指派到相关的专案中,同时OmniFocus也提供了视觉提示来提醒您下一步该执行的动作。
OmniFocus 2.6.2 是一次小更新,重点内容为修复漏洞。
This release is sync-compatible with all previous versions of OmniFocus, but you may see a prompt to migrate your database to the new file format based on which other versions of OmniFocus you use. Check out the OmniFocus 2.6 release notes for more information:
- Encryption — Made changes to significantly reduce the likelyhood of a “No Key in Slot” error. For more information on recovering from this error should it occur, please see this support article:
- Repetition — Fixed a problem where repeating items could be corrupted when edited on multiple devices.
- Large Databases — Made changes to reduce OmniFocus’ memory footprint when reading your database from disk.
- Migration — Changed the interval at which you are prompted to migrate to one week, from one day.
- Crash — Added some extra logging to help us track down an elusive crash.
- Localization — Fixed some layouts in Dutch and a problem with Russian review intervals.
OmniFocus 2 Pro for Mac 2.6.2 下载
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