NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 破解版 – 一款支持Markdown的任务日历软件


2017-02-16 3,105 百度已收录


[NotePlan 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]

NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 介绍

Efficient Daily Planning for Professionals using Markdown.

NotePlan is the missing lean and simply designed Calendar, where you manage your daily tasks and events using a clean Markdown Editor.

** Soon also available for iOS (iPad and iPhone) **

(Join our newsletter for updates and Beta seats, once available on

All your notes are safely stored and backed up as lightweight text files in your iCloud Drive. Nothing from NotePlan is send or stored on our servers. It's designed for Apple only.

NotePlan was made, because no other App has this unique combination of productivity tools: Calendar, Todos and a Markdown Editor. Use it as:

  • Task Manager
  • Planner
  • Daily Notes
  • Calendar
  • Note-Taking
  • Project-Management

It is perfect for busy professionals, who have to juggle between different Projects efficiently.

# Calendar:

  • Shows your tasks and events in a monthly view.
  • Different colours show different states of your tasks.
  • Supports any external calendars, which are registered in your 'Calendars' App. Events from other calendars are synchronised automatically.

# Daily Plan:

  • Plan each day with a new note. Add tasks, events (with time) and comments to a day.
  • Manage tasks by checking them off as 'done', 'scheduled' and 'cancelled'.
  • Schedule a task (or multiple at once), if you couldn't finish it today. Push it quickly to tomorrow or any other day.
  • Jump from one day to another through a mini-calendar or shortcuts.
  • Simple text-formatting with markdown, such as bold, italic, lists, titles, etc.

# General Notes:

  • Beside the calendar, you have to keep notes, checklists, todos, etc., which don't have a specific date. You can do that here!
  • Tag notes and filter them by the tag to keep track of your different projects.
  • Schedule individual todos from a general note directly into the calendar.
  • Jump from a general note into today's daily note with a shortcut.
  • Text-formatting also here supported.

Gestures supported! Swipe left or right to change months, dates and notes.

Keyboard-Navigation: Made for efficiency, use keyboard shortcuts to switch between views and notes, format text quickly with Markdown and mark tasks.

NotePlan was and is continually updated and improved together with an active Beta-Tester community consisting of professionals from all over the world.

NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 破解版 – 一款支持Markdown的任务日历软件-麦氪派
NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 破解版 – 一款支持Markdown的任务日历软件-麦氪派
NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 破解版 – 一款支持Markdown的任务日历软件-麦氪派
NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 破解版 – 一款支持Markdown的任务日历软件-麦氪派
NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 破解版 – 一款支持Markdown的任务日历软件-麦氪派

NotePlan for Mac 1.6.7 下载

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