Notebooks Mac 破解版 强大的文档管理和日程备忘工具

文档处理 版本号:2.0.2

2019-08-31 4,329 百度已收录

Notebooks 是一款Mac上文档管理、文本编写和日程备忘工具,,集成了编写文档、日程任务管理、文档文件管理三个功能,其中文档编写支持纯文本、HTML文本和Markdown文本等,支持统一管理常见的文档文件,如text, PDF, web pages, MS Office documents等,非常实用的一款工具!

[Notebooks 在Mac App Store售价 238.00 元]

Notebooks 2.0.2 Mac 破解版 介绍

Notebooks for Mac允许您创建尽可能多的书籍来编写,存储和构建您的生活细节,它将很快成为所有期刊的唯一存储库,想法,笔记,草稿,故事和日记,但也适用于您的项目,任务列表,文档,文件以及您希望随时掌握的所有其他内容。


笔记本存储和显示几乎任何类型的文档:纯文本和格式化文本,PDF,网页,MS Office文档,照片,视频,音乐等等。您想要整理的所有内容都可以直接进入笔记本。


笔记本电脑可以在iPad和iPhone上与笔记本电脑的移动版本共享文件,这样您就可以在桌面上方便地处理文档,也可以在iPad,iPhone或iPod touch上使用。设备之间的同步当前支持Dropbox和许多WebDAV服务器(Dropbox目前是最方便的选择)。



What's New in Notebooks

Version 1.4.5:

Notebooks 2.0.1 addresses a few interface flaws and issues reported by our users. Thank you for your feedback!

Plain Text

  • Ignore keyboard shortcuts when a document is set as read only.
  • Correctly align text on ruled background when overscrolling is enabled.
  • Fine tuned the way automatically insert closing characters works.
  • Text documents no longer show a dark stripe instead of the scrollbar on macOS 10.13 or earlier, with scrollbars set to "always visible".

Formatted Documents

  • When adding a table in the middle of a line, the table is added immediately after the current paragraph.
  • Toggling the list style with cmd-i now includes checklists.
  • Fine tuned the way automatically insert closing characters works.


  • Notebooks' default Markdown converter correctly resolves multiple references to the same footnotes.


  • The outline uses the setting Use color label as background color from preferences.
  • The selected book's font remains dark (light theme).


  • New option to select a fixed font size for print and PDF conversion.
  • The setting for line spacing accepts all available values.


  • Sharing from a document's action menu tries to send the text instead of an attachment, if possible.
  • Sharing from the File Menu or document list always sends the selected items as attachment.


  • Duplicating a task with due date copies the due date as well.
  • The toolbar buttons appear with correct size and without overlapping title.
  • Notebooks no longer quits when closing the last window.
  • If the document browser is hidden when closing Notebooks, it remains hidden after relaunch.
  • Keyboard shortcut cmd-alt-B shows the document browser.
  • Extra document windows are restored in correct back to front order when starting Notebooks.

Version 1.4.5:

  • The document list correctly displays preview text for formatted documents again
Notebooks Mac 破解版 强大的文档管理和日程备忘工具-麦氪派
Notebooks Mac 破解版 强大的文档管理和日程备忘工具-麦氪派
Notebooks Mac 破解版 强大的文档管理和日程备忘工具-麦氪派
Notebooks Mac 破解版 强大的文档管理和日程备忘工具-麦氪派

Notebooks 2.0.2 Mac 破解版 下载

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