Notability for Mac 2.0.0 激活版 – 强大的备注记录软件


2015-12-21 3,511 百度已收录

Notability 是一款Mac上非常好用和强大的备注记录软件,在苹果的 Mac App Store 的年度评选中获得了最佳应用,并且 在 iPad 和 iPhone 上也是最为抢手的备注记录应用程序。Notability可用于注释文稿、草拟想法、录制演讲、记录备注等,支持 iCloud,具有 iPad、iPhone 和 Mac 版本,可以无缝同步,方便易用,将键入、手写、录音和照片结合在一起。

[Notability 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币40元]

Notability for Mac 2.0.0 介绍

Notability is a powerful note-taker to annotate documents, sketch ideas, record lectures, take notes and more. It combines, typing, handwriting, audio recording, and photos so you can create notes that fit your needs. With iCloud support, your notes are always available on iPad, iPhone and Mac. Anytime, anywhere.

Notability is optimized for Mac:

  • Quickly create notes by dragging documents, photos, or audio recordings from the desktop and dropping onto the library.
  • Enhance notes by dragging photos, audio recordings, and PDFs from the desktop and dropping onto a note.
  • Get more done with smart keyboard shortcuts.
  • Handwriting and sketches can be scaled, transformed, free and constrained rotated, nudged (with arrow keys), and restyled.
  • Notes look the same on Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

Capture memorable notes with these essential features:

  • Type reports and outlines in a variety of fonts, sizes, colors and styles.
  • Text automatically reflows around images.
  • Handwriting has been fine-tuned to be smooth and expressive using a trackpad or mouse.
  • Sketch and write using a variety of colors, line widths, and styles.
  • Record audio during lectures and meetings to capture more detail.
  • Import audio recordings from other sources.


Version 2.0.0:

  • Select PDF text and highlight it with your choice of 16 colors. Use the keyboard shortcut (Command-Control-H) to make highlighting quick and easy.
  • Copy and Paste PDF text.
  • Search is faster and more accurate.
  • Active links are supported in PDFs, both internal (Table of Contents) and external (URLs).
Notability for Mac 2.0.0 激活版 – 强大的备注记录软件-麦氪派
Notability for Mac 2.0.0 激活版 – 强大的备注记录软件-麦氪派
Notability for Mac 2.0.0 激活版 – 强大的备注记录软件-麦氪派
Notability for Mac 2.0.0 激活版 – 强大的备注记录软件-麦氪派
Notability for Mac 2.0.0 激活版 – 强大的备注记录软件-麦氪派

Notability for Mac 2.0.0 下载

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