Newsflow将所有您喜爱的网站的新闻直接带到您的桌面。 在快速,流畅和高度可定制的新闻阅读器享受您的文章。
[Newsflow 在Mac App Store上售价人民币 30 元]
Newsflow for Mac 1.4.7 介绍
Newsflow brings news from all of your favorite websites right to your desktop. Enjoy your articles in a fast, fluent and highly customizable news reader.
- Feedly sync / Feedbin sync / Feed Wrangler sync / Standalone RSS engine
- Save to Buffer, Evernote, Pocket, Readability, Instapaper
- Beautiful themes (including night mode) and fully customizable news reader appearance
- Article summary / Clutter-free article / Original website
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Alerts/banners for new articles and access to past alerts in Notification Center
- Folders, subscription management, RSS, RDF, ATOM support
Version 1.4.7:
- [Fixed] Dark theme flash at article switch
Newsflow for Mac 1.4.7 下载
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