Network Radar for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网络扫描和管理工具


2017-07-26 2,691 百度已收录

Network Radar是一款 Mac 上的网络扫描和管理工具,能够扫描发现网络内的设备信息,包括 IP 地址、MAC 地址、NetBIOS名称、设备图标等,非常实用的一款网络发现工具!

[Network Radar 在Mac App Store上售价人民币128元]

Network Radar for Mac 2.2.3 介绍

Scan and monitor your network. With Network Radar.

Network Radar is an advanced network scanning and managing tool. Featuring an easy-to-use and streamlined design, the all-new Network Radar 2 has been engineered from the ground up as a modern Mac application.


  • Scan your network and retrieve detailed information on network devices
  • Run useful network tools and commands with the click of a button
  • Use the monitoring feature and get notified about changes in your network
  • Access devices from previous scans, even in different networks
  • Use the simple rules / actions system for automatic processing of devices
  • Simply connect to a device by double-clicking it in the list
  • Assign your own names and choose from provided icons or import own icons
  • Organize your hosts in folders and smart folders
  • Create scans with custom IP ranges
  • Export a scan to XML, CSV, TXT or PDF


All you have to do to use Network Radar is to click the Scan button. No configuration is required. However, Network Radar is more than a simple IP scanner. It comes with useful tools, such as Ping, Portscan and Whois. In addition to that you can send commands to your devices with the click of a button. Use Wake On LAN with every Wake On LAN capable device and shutdown, restart or send other Macs to sleep, even if they are not within your local network.


Once Network Radar has scanned your network, it lists all found devices. Select one to see more details, such as IP, IPv6 and MAC address, vendor name, DNS name, mDNS names, NetBIOS name, NetBIOS domain, open ports, OS version, response time, the Mac model identifier and much more depending on how much information your device and network reveals.

Let Network Radar monitor a scan and get live updates on changes in your network. All changes are logged. You may also want to receive notifications when a device enters or leaves your network. With the possibility to configure custom rules and actions you can do things such as sending a mail to yourself as soon as your server goes offline or play a sound when a FTP Server appears in your network.

Organize your hosts in folders. You want all your iPads in one folder? Just create a smart folders and let Network Radar do the work. By binding scans to networks, Network Radar always knows if a devices is reachable or not, making it easy to refresh or monitor a bunch of devices even from different networks.


Built-in WiFi

  • Built-in Ethernet
  • Apple's USB to Ethernet Adapter
  • Apple's Thunderbolt to Ethernet Adapter
  • Apple's Thunderbolt Display Ethernet

*Please note that the amount of information Network Radar can find depends on the network it scans.


If you like Network Radar, please consider to rate it on the App Store to support further development. 🙂

  • NEW: Pressing cmd+F now activates the search field in the toolbar.
  • NEW: Selecting a Model Identifier in the Host Settings is now easier with tooltips describing the hardware behind each identifier.
  • NEW: You can now set the monitoring interval to values between 10 seconds and 12 hours.
  • FIX: Crash on some machines when deleting a scan that is being monitored.
Network Radar for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网络扫描和管理工具-麦氪派
Network Radar for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网络扫描和管理工具-麦氪派
Network Radar for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网络扫描和管理工具-麦氪派
Network Radar for Mac 2.2.3 破解版 – Mac上优秀的网络扫描和管理工具-麦氪派

Network Radar for Mac 2.2.31 下载

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