Net Radar for Mac 1.1 破解版 – 实用的网络连接监测工具


2017-08-27 2,652 百度已收录

Net Radar 是一款Mac上实用的网络连接监测工具,在菜单栏中显示您的 Internet 连接的公共 IP 地址的当前地理位置,简单易用,很不错!

[Net Radar 在 Mac App Store上售价40元]

Net Radar for Mac 1.1 介绍

Net Radar monitors the status of your VPN connection and shows the current geographical location of the public IP address of your Internet connection in the menu bar. Net Radar will warn you immediately when your connection is no longer private.


  • Runs in the menu bar, showing the current geographical location of your Internet connection.
  • The color of the displayed location indicates the status of your VPN connection.
  • Clicking on the menu bar item will display a popup showing your external IP address, the location of that address on a map and the status of your VPN connection.
  • Can be automatically launched at startup of your Mac.
  • Works with all types of remote VPN connections.
  • The type of warning can be configured to be a simple notification, a modal dialog, or as a popup.
  • Does not interfere with your Internet connection or VPN setup.
  • Includes a Setup Assistant that leads you through a few simple steps to set up Net Radar.
  • Can also be used to just monitor the location of your public IP address, without VPN verifications.


Net Radar monitors your VPN connection on two levels, internally and externally. Internally Net Radar monitors the start and end of VPN connections. After each change, Net Radar inspects the VPN status externally by comparing the geographical location of your unprotected public IP address, with the current metadata of your active Internet connection. When they are clearly different, then your VPN connection is working as expected. If they are the same, a clear warning will be shown by Net Radar, and the location name in the menu bar will be displayed in red.

Simply follow the Configuration Assistant after installation, to configure the baseline settings. Net Radar works with any kind of VPN connection, including connections initiated by the commonly used custom apps from the major VPN service providers.


We really want to make Net Radar the best VPN monitor available. If you encounter any problems with this app, then please have a look at our support site at If this does not help you, then please contact us directly at

If you enjoy using Net Radar, then please leave a positive review at the Mac App Store. This will really help other people to find this app and it will help the developer to continue adding new features and improvements.


Net Radar monitors the operational status of your VPN connection, based on system events and empirical data.

  • Net Radar does not include a VPN service.
  • Net Radar is not able to check whether your connection is encrypted or not.
  • Net Radar is not able to detect IPv6 and DNS leaks.
  • Tested with OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP, IPSec and IKEv2.
Net Radar for Mac 1.1 破解版 – 实用的网络连接监测工具-麦氪派
Net Radar for Mac 1.1 破解版 – 实用的网络连接监测工具-麦氪派
Net Radar for Mac 1.1 破解版 – 实用的网络连接监测工具-麦氪派
Net Radar for Mac 1.1 破解版 – 实用的网络连接监测工具-麦氪派

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