NeoOffice for Mac 2017.8 激活版 – 开源的Office替代软件


2018-05-20 2,027 百度已收录

NeoOffice是充分特色的套办公室申请(包括文字处理、报表、介绍、图画和数据库节目)对Mac OS X。 凭OpenOffice.org办公室,NeoOffice集成了许多当地Mac特点,并且可能进口,编辑和交换文件以其他普遍的办公室节目例如微软办公系统。

[NeoOffice 2015 在 Mac App Store 上售价人民币 198 元]

NeoOffice for Mac 2017.8 介绍




  • 使用NeoOffice>Openat启动菜单打开Calc或印象,而不是在启动时使用Writer
  • OSX版本
  • 原生OS X语法检查
  • 原生OSX文本突出显示
  • 本地卷和网络卷的本机文件锁定支持
  • OSX服务支持
  • 本机浮动工具窗口


Version 2017.8:


  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when pasting HTML tables into a Writer document
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when moving the cursor in a Writer document
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when clicking on a video while in a slideshow
  • NeoOffice needed three LibreOffice security patches for security vulnerabilities that affect several types of documents
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when closing a Calc document
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when Arabic text is set to full width alignment.
  • NeoOffice would not display any kashida glyphs when Arabic text is set to full width alignment
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when opening SVG image files
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when selecting the Format > Page menu item
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when pasting content copied from NeoOffice
  • NeoOffice would sometimes leave thin horizontal lines in a Calc document when running on a Retina display after moving the selected cell back and forth off the right or left edges of the window
  • NeoOffice would sometimes crash when printing
  • NeoOffice would open a new Writer document when pressing the Command-N keys instead of opening the document type checked in the NeoOffice > Open at Launch menu
  • NeoOffice would leak memory due to several LibreOffice bugs
NeoOffice for Mac 2017.8 激活版 – 开源的Office替代软件-麦氪派
NeoOffice for Mac 2017.8 激活版 – 开源的Office替代软件-麦氪派

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