Myriad for Mac 4.1 激活版 – 优秀的音频文件批量编辑工具


2017-07-02 2,351 百度已收录

Myriad 是一款Mac上优秀的音频文件批量处理工具,Myriad支持批量编辑、淡入淡出、比特率批量更改、格式批量转换等,很不错!

[Myriad 在Mac App Store上售价人民币518元]

Myriad for Mac 4.1 介绍

Myriad is, simply put, one of the best audio batch processors. Totally redesigned, it looks beautiful and delivers incredible performance. Let Myriad do the heavy lifting while you get back to doing what you do best: creating great sounds and music.

  • One powerful productivity tool - Myriad packs a serious punch in a beautiful interface. With more than 100 Actions and many other great features, Myriad helps you work more efficiently, saving you countless hours that you can spend creating.
  • Goodhertz SRC - The Goodhertz Sample Rate Converter has the ideal balance between frequency response and transient response -- two of the most important characteristics of any sample rate converter. This means that it does its job with the least possible sonic impact, preserving crystal-clear high end while also maintaining sharp transients. The Goodhertz SRC has virtually zero aliasing with performance better than -192 dB, meaning it is error-free at lowest amplitudes.
  • Good Dither - When reducing the bit depth for the destination format, the application of dither noise prevents distortion and quantization error. Compared to some long-standing dither algorithms, Goodhertz Good Dither produces better noise reduction without excessive noise shaping. Good Dither also has a wider, flatter noise reduction region which contributes to higher performance in the most critical areas.
  • AppleScript - Robust support for AppleScript ensures that Myriad plays well with others.
  • Notifications - Now that Myriad fully supports Notification Center, you can let it work behind the scenes.
  • Commands - All keyboard commands in Myriad can be customized, saved and shared.
  • File Naming - Rename files with ease with Myriad's new drag-and-drop file naming tokens.
Myriad for Mac 4.1 激活版 – 优秀的音频文件批量编辑工具-麦氪派
Myriad for Mac 4.1 激活版 – 优秀的音频文件批量编辑工具-麦氪派
Myriad for Mac 4.1 激活版 – 优秀的音频文件批量编辑工具-麦氪派
Myriad for Mac 4.1 激活版 – 优秀的音频文件批量编辑工具-麦氪派

Myriad for Mac 4.1 下载

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