My Metronome for Mac 1.0 破解版 – 实用的音乐节拍器


2017-06-20 2,816 百度已收录

My Metronome 是一款Mac上实用的音乐节拍器,具有精确的吉他调谐器、各种声音和声音测试套件,很不错!

My Metronome for Mac 1.0 介绍

If you are a professional musician or just a person who wants to learn how to play guitar or piano or how to dance, you probably know how important it is to keep a steady tempo, and the only thing which can help you is a metronome. But you need not just a metronome but our specially designed app My Metronome which will help you in your activities. Not only music but also such activities as jogging and even morning exercise become more become more effective with this metronome!

HOW TO USE: It is very simple just like classical metronome, you should choose beats per minute you need and you can change it if you want. Also you can change the beating measure and design!

My Metronome features:

  • Modern design and convenient interface
  • Precise guitar tuner
  • Measure choice function
  • Various sounds and sound kits for testing

Forget about beats per minute detector and beat counter, now all you need is My Metronome, the best and coolest rhythm counter for you!

My Metronome for Mac 1.0 破解版 – 实用的音乐节拍器-麦氪派
My Metronome for Mac 1.0 破解版 – 实用的音乐节拍器-麦氪派

My Metronome for Mac 1.0 下载

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