Mosaic Pro for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 强大的窗口管理器


2017-02-10 3,259 百度已收录


[Mosaic Pro 在 官网上售价30美元,约合人民币180元]

Mosaic Pro for Mac 1.0.3 介绍

Mosaic is a powerful window manager that allows easy repositioning and resizing of macOS apps, transforming multi-window chaos into a productive suite of tools.

  • Seamless macOS Integration - Mosaic has been meticulously designed to feel like an integrated component of macOS - and not like a standalone app. The result is a seamless and intuitive experience that feels as good to use as it looks.
  • Fully Customizable Layouts - Rather than limit you to a list of simple preset layouts, Mosaic lets you create any layout you like with a powerful suite of layout creation tools. You can simply paint a layout on a grid or achieve absolute control with numerical constraints.
  • Streamline Your Workflow - As there is no limit to the number of layouts you can create in Mosaic, you can find yourself with dozens of layouts - many of which you only need for specific scenarios. With Layout Groups, you can organise your layouts to suit specific workflows and by switching between them, filter out those you don’t need.
  • Layout Extras:
    • Window Capture - If you need to capture the current window as an image, you can easily copy it to the clipboard or save it to your hard disk.
    • Quick Positions - Take the current window and just move it into any of the screen corners or centrally onto a screen edge.
    • Quick Layout - When you find that you don't have the layout you need, use Quick Layout to define one on the spot.
  • Touch Bar Support - With a Touch Bar enabled MacBook Pro, all your layouts are right at your fingertips. If you are a keyboard junky but have too many layouts to realistically assign keyboard shortcuts to all of them, Touch Bar is exactly what you need.
  • Mosaic Remote Control for iOS - Don’t have a new Touch Bar enabled MacBook Pro? Don’t worry - just download the free Mosaic Remoteapp and turn your iPhone or iPad into the ultimate workstation accessory.

The published price is that of the Pro edition; a Standard edition and a Business subscription are also available. Full pricing information can be found here.

Mosaic Pro for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 强大的窗口管理器-麦氪派
Mosaic Pro for Mac 1.0.3 激活版 – 强大的窗口管理器-麦氪派

Mosaic Pro for Mac 1.0.3 下载

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