MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具


2016-06-25 9,321 百度已收录

MindNode 2 是一款 Mac 上的思维导图工具,MindNode 2 是一款Mac上小巧但功能强大的思维导图工具,简单易用,能够让我们快速的创建出美观的思维导图,单击一次即可创建新节点,支持iCloud共享,并且具有iPhone和iPad客户端,支持 iCloud Drive 和 HandsOff 协作功能,非常强大!

[MindNode 2 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]

MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 介绍

Mindnode 2 for mac是一个功能强大且直观的思维导图软件,免费版功能界面极简,支持全键盘操作,界面响应迅猛,满足基础要求。 它同时具备专注性和灵活性,是进行头脑风暴和组织规划生活事务的绝佳工具 - 还可通过iCloud 进行共享,这意味着你可以随时将你的思维导图随身携带。

MindNode Pro is a powerful and intuitive mind mapping application. Its focus and flexibility make it the perfect tool for brainstorming and organizing your life - and iCloud sharing means you always have your mind maps with you. MindNode lets you lay out your notes and tasks visually so you can get a bird's-eye view of your project. The clutter-free interface lets you concentrate on generating and connecting ideas, and an infinitely expanding canvas means that no matter how big or complicated your project gets, MindNode can keep up.

  • Create new nodes with one click
  • Create cross connections between otherwise unrelated nodes
  • Drag and drop to move or reconnect nodes
  • Add images and links to files or webpages
  • Create multiple mind maps on one canvas
  • Infinitely large canvas expands to keep up with your ideas
  • Lion fullscreen mode lets you brainstorm without distractions Organize
  • Hide and show nodes and branches with one click
  • Drag and drop nodes to rearrange your mind map
  • Automatically reorganize complicated mind maps
  • Highlight important nodes using different colors, fonts, and stroke widths
  • Search lets you find any node, even if it's hidden-no matter how big the mind map gets Share
  • WiFi sharing: share files between your Mac and your iOS device over the local wireless network
  • Export your mind map as a PDF, FreeMind or OPML document, PNG or TIFF image, or RTF or text outline. More MindNode:
  • MindNode touch Create mind maps with a tap of your finger on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. Available on the iOS App Store.
  • MindNode Lite Explore MindNode's basic features before investing in MindNode Pro. Available on the Mac App Store.



Send your tasks to Things & OmniFocus. Import documents from Markdown, MindManager, OPML and TaskPaper and export to OPML & TaskPaper.


  • Improved theme color recommendations
  • Deleting a node now selects the closest sibling instead of the parent
  • Support importing the new iThoughts file format
  • Improves layout during title editing of a main node
  • Restores last scroll position between launches of the app even when the document wasn’t updated
  • When a main node gets created as part of a cross connection creation, select this new main node
  • Improves OPML import and export
  • Consistent naming of document inspector across Mac and iOS
  • Added shortcuts to copy (Cmd+Shift+Option+C) and duplicate (Cmd+Shift+Option+D) a single node
  • Sort subnodes alphabetically
  • Improves keyboard navigation in outline view
  • Allow to copy MyMindNode URL to clipboard after uploading
  • Improves “Fit to Selection” to also focus on the entire subtree
  • Allow to add objects to current selection by holding Option, Shift or Control during rubberband selection
  • When holding Option during rubber band selection, add entire subtree to selection
  • Allow to edit a cross connection title using the CMD-Enter shortcut
  • Support all sharing services on Export sheet


  • Ensure all images are correctly exported
  • Fixes an issue that prevented dragging of main nodes
  • Don’t apply branch thickness when using “Apply Styles To Subnodes”
  • Don’t animate cross connections when zooming out a large document
  • When pasting a single node, don’t include outline formatting
  • Improves the layout during text editing, when Smart Layout is turned off
  • Correctly import rich text FreeMind documents
  • Correctly update the node size when editing the title of an image-only node
  • Removes drawing artifacts after folding large subtrees
  • Ensure to remove drag shadow when dragging a node onto a folded node
  • Retain advanced text attributes when changing font size
  • Apply correct stroke width after pasting
  • Fixes a bug that caused incorrect layout when changing the layout during text editing
  • Fixes a bug that caused the registration of too many undo operations
  • Prevent overlapping of main nodes during import.
  • Fixes resizing of content using knobs
  • Ensure parent task control and child task control have the same size
  • Fixes a crash when importing FreeMind documents with connections
  • Fixes QuickLook for non https links
  • Don’t loose font traits when changing the font size using the inspector
  • Correctly copy images onto pasteboard
  • Prevents gray lines during text editing when zoomed in
  • Prevents hiding the document behind the sidebar
  • Fixes text finder positioning glitch
  • Fixes a bug where node wells would stay visible after unfolding a node
  • Fixes a bug where „Fit to Mind Map“ wouldn’t work correctly, if a document contained folded nodes
  • Fixes a bug that caused bringing up the save panel when closing a new document.
  • Fixes linking to images
  • Fixes an issue that prevented the image picker from appearing
  • Fixes modifiers during image drag and drop
  • Prevent invisible nodes during window resizing
  • Correctly animate new nodes
  • Fixes a crash when undoing a change in the note text view
  • Don’t register two undo operations when adding a note
  • Don’t trigger node text editing when ending editing of note in sidebar
MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具-麦氪派
MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具-麦氪派
MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具-麦氪派
MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具-麦氪派
MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 破解版 – Mac 上优秀的思维导图工具-麦氪派

MindNode 2 for Mac 2.3 下载

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