miCal for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 优秀的菜单栏日历工具


2017-07-07 2,945 百度已收录

miCal 是一款Mac上优秀的菜单栏日历工具,界面精美,支持各种视图,一天的日程一览无遗,很好用的一款日历工具

[miCal 在Mac App Store上售价人民币25元]

miCal for Mac 1.0.1 介绍

miCal is THE calendar that you’ve always wished your Mac had! The all new miCal menu bar application for OS X makes scheduling easier, clearer—and better looking—than ever before.

Quick Overview

The menu bar application displays a month view with day details. For each event the event details will be shown on click.

Intuitive Controls

The arrows, page up and down and the '+' key let you intuitively navigate through your calendars and quickly, easily add events.

miCal Everywhere

Start miCal from everywhere by pressing CMD-C or start entering a new appointment with CMD-+ at lightspeed. Each of these shortcuts is also configurable to your needs.

miCal Flexible

Let mical show your preferred menu bar icon. From a simple day of the month to more complex displays: day of the week + day, month + day, day of the week + month + day, calendar week, the current date

miCal Understands You

Quickly create events with the new natural language input feature. Natural language input allows you to create events just by describing them.

- 'Lunch tomorrow at 12'

- 'Meeting with Jane every Friday at 9'

- 'Coffee at Starbucks at 9'


With miCal managing your schedule get relaxing. Every month of the year is covered by a lovely image.

Up to Date and Secure

miCal communicates with your OS X integrated calendar. miCal works with all the calendar services that your device currently supports (iCloud, Google Calendar, Outlook, Exchange, Facebook Events, subscriptions) without requiring additional configuration. That way, you can store your data locally or via the services you know and trust—it’s up to you. miCal itself does not transmit any data to external services or other servers. That allows us to ensure 100% data security.

miCal for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 优秀的菜单栏日历工具-麦氪派
miCal for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 优秀的菜单栏日历工具-麦氪派
miCal for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 优秀的菜单栏日历工具-麦氪派
miCal for Mac 1.0.1 激活版 – 优秀的菜单栏日历工具-麦氪派

miCal for Mac 1.0.1 下载

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