Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序


2018-09-24 1,626 百度已收录

Mellel for mac是Mac os平台上的一款帮助用户在办公或者写作中快速处理文字的Mac办公软件,Mellel for mac使用简单,界面人性,支持调整文字大小、加标脚注、设置对齐方式、绘制表格、选择背景和文字颜色等等功能。

[Mellel 在Mac App Store上售价人民币388元]

Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 介绍




  • 使用从一个文件到另一个你的样式设置。
  • 取决于它的可靠性。Mellel不会崩溃。始终如一地创建漂亮的文档。
  • 节省时间和麻烦。它自动其他什么写程序让你做手工。


我们有超过70的教程,可以指导你通过mellel -从最简单到最先进的功能。在www.mellel.com查看。



  • 汽车冠军让你组织你的文档很容易
  • 动态交叉引用自动更新
  • 空前强大和易于使用的索引工具
  • 引文和书目更新为你写过
  • 产生缓解和控制内容表


  • 一贯和明确的风格
  • 围绕图像和文本框流文本
  • 创建部分、列和表
  • 重用你的样式在不同的文件


  • 最先进的查找和替换工具
  • 像语言一样的灵巧正则表达式
  • 跑几百拯救行动马上找到


  • 智能段落间距、字符连接,并保持选项
  • 可视化设计页面样式
  • 创建标题的多个部分和风格
  • 灵活先进的字符样式8样式的变化
  • 复制和粘贴文本和属性,在一起还是分开


  • 大纲窗格给你整个结构鸟瞰
  • 移动整段在大纲点击
  • 创建你的故事情节通过窗格,添加事件,人物和地点
  • 跟踪与跟踪更改和评论的变化
  • 根除“胆小鬼”的风格与样式取代


  • 进出口文件,RTF或TXT文件
  • 出口PDF与生活的联系,相关指标,交叉引用,和表的内容
  • 支持所有的图像格式(jpg,jpeg,png,。。等等)
  • 保存和打开和从云,和Mellel的iOS版本


  • 最先进的索引工具,节省了索引创建时间50%
  • 经过大量修订的大纲窗格,您可以在不将手从键盘上移动的情况下构造文档。添加注释、标记和标记
  • 组织你的叙述与故事的窗格。浏览你的情节,将人物、地点、图像,和更多
  • 享受清新的用户界面和许多新功能和增强功能
  • 错误被修复

What's New in Mellel

Version 4.1.3:

  •  Docx import now supports non-breaking hyphen and soft hyphen
  • Added support for "Petite Capitals" and "Petite Capitals From Capitals" open type features
  • Fixed an issue that caused hyperlinks in headers and footers to be non-functional when exported to PDF
  • Mellel will now collect statistics in a text box selection
  • Fixed issues with importing docx documents containing fields spanning multiple sections. General improvements in handling of fields including the ability to resolve fields inside hyperlinks
  • Fixed an issue that would cause redundant document ("diamond") sections styles to appear in a style set after dragging an index style from one set to another
  • Proper RTL ui for: welcome to mellel "recents" list, template browser folder list, ghost inline popover, replace styles combination lists, tag editing table in preferences, marker editing table in preferences, stroke and options popover buttons in character palette
  • Fixed an issue which caused strange positioning of popovers and other windows when multiple palettes are positioned spread all over the screen
  • Fixed an issue that prevented proper editing of the url field in the hyperlink edit panel
  • Fixed an issue that caused strange placement of the caret when using command+arrow key combinations with lines terminated with tabs and line breaks
  • Fixed an issue that caused the caret to become invisible when positioned right before a line break
  • Removing annotations from text when converting it to an auto-title or citation
  • Fixed an issue that caused an extra space to be added after certain symbols like { or } when exported to RTF
  • Fixed an issue that allowed inserting document variables into text boxes despite the lack of support for these in text boxes
  • Fixed an issue where tab labels in page style editor would get clipped on some localisations
  • Changed "hidden characters" to "white space" in track changes description
  • Fixed an issue that caused content that is enclosed in structured document tags (cover pages, table of contents etc) to be omitted when importing docx documents
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mellel to read annotations inside auto-titles and citations in documents created by previous versions of Mellel (that allowed this by mistake) resulting in documents that cause all sort of issues including crashing when creating an index
  • Fixed an issue that caused insert menu items and style menus and palettes to remain active when a sheet (edit note attributes, edit title flows etc.) is presented over the document window
  • Fixed an issue that caused Mellel to produce un-openable documents after inserting an index with a record whose name starts with a character encoded as surrogate pair.
  • Japanese localisation fixes "Notes", "Structure"
Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派

Mellel 4.1.2 Mac 破解版 下载

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