Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 序号版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序


2016-06-12 4,281 百度已收录

应网友要求更新。Mellel for mac是Mac os平台上的一款帮助用户在办公或者写作中快速处理文字的Mac办公软件,Mellel for mac使用简单,界面人性,支持调整文字大小、加标脚注、设置对齐方式、绘制表格、选择背景和文字颜色等等功能。

[Mellel 在Mac App Store上售价人民币39元]

Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 介绍

Mellel is the leading word processor for OS X and has been widely considered the industry standard since its inception. Mellel focuses on writers and scholars for technical writing and multilingual word processing. It offers special tools to help you write and organize long documents easily. If you need multilingual support or are writing bi-directional text, Mellel is just the thing for you: Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, and Syriac never looked better on a Mac. Even if you don't need all the bells and whistles, Mellel is still the right choice for you: clean, stable, and easy to use.

Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 序号版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 序号版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 序号版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 序号版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派
Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 序号版 – Mac上领先的文字处理程序-麦氪派

Mellel for Mac 3.2.4 下载

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