MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 激活版 – 在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具


2016-06-05 6,925 百度已收录

应会员要求更新。 MDB Explorer 是一款在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具,能够查看、编辑、转换微软的Access数据库文件,简单易用,支持导入SQLite, CSV, TXT, XML, XLS, XLSX等格式的文件,导出到MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite,SQL Server等数据库中!

[MDB Explorer 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币98元]

MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 介绍

MDB Explorer is a tool designed to provide a quick and easy way to view MDB files without an Access license. This application can be used to open tables from multiple access databases, having table structure described in term of column and relation.

Using MDB Explorer, you can effortlessly export data into the most popular formats including SQLite, CSV, TXT, XML and XLS. In addition, you can generate SQL file that is compatible with popular database systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite and SQL Server.

  • Powerful filtering capabilities
  • Sorting and searching functions
  • Text viewer
  • Full screen mode
  • Unicode data support

Note: MDB Explorer supports Access 97-2003 (.mdb) file formats. It is designed for viewing and exporting tables only. It cannot be used to modify the database. Access 2007-2013 (.accdb) file format support is now available as an In-App Purchase option.

MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 激活版 – 在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具-麦氪派
MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 激活版 – 在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具-麦氪派
MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 激活版 – 在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具-麦氪派
MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 激活版 – 在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具-麦氪派
MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 激活版 – 在Mac上查看编辑Access数据库的工具-麦氪派

MDB Explorer for Mac 2.4.5 下载

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