Mathworks MATLAB R2017b for Mac 9.3 破解版 – 强大的商业数学软件


2018-01-01 5,672 百度已收录

Matlab 2017b 是一款商业数学软件,主要用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境,主要包括MATLAB和Simulink两大部分。新版增加更多的功能,推出了从天线到数字的 (antenna-to-bits) 无线设计解决方案,可帮助无线和雷达系统工程师仿真集成多个天线、智能射频 (RF)设备和高级接收器算法的设计。新的软件无线电 (SDR) 硬件支持允许通过 LTE 及其他波形进行无线测试。

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Mathworks MATLAB R2017b for Mac 9.3 介绍




利用 MATLAB,可以从文件、其他应用程序、数据库以及外部设备访问数据。您可以从各种常用 文件格式(如 Microsoft Excel、文本或二进制文件、图像、语音和视频文件)以及诸如 netCDF 和 HDF 等科学文件中读取数据。借助文件 I/O 函数,可以处理任意格式的数据文件。

通过将 MATLAB 与附加产品配合使用,可以从诸如计算机串口或声卡等硬件设备获取数据,并且使实时测量的数据接导入 MATLAB,以便用于分析和可视化处理。此外,还可以实现与各种仪器(如示波器、函数发生器以及信号分析仪)之间的通信。


利用 MATLAB,可以对数据进行管理、筛选以及预处理。您可以执行探索性数据分析,探明趋势,检验假设,并构建描述模型。MATLAB 提供了可用于滤波和平滑、插值、卷积以及快速傅 立叶变换 (FFT) 的各种函数。各种附加产品提供了可用于曲线和曲面拟合、多元统计、频谱分析、 图像分析、系统识别及其他分析任务的多种功能。


MATLAB 提供了内置的二维和三维绘图函数,以及立体可视化函数。使用这些函数,可以实现数据可视化,了解数据,并交流结果。对绘图进行自定义时既可以采用交互方式,也可以采用编程方式。

MATLAB 图例库提供了在 MATLAB 中以图形方式显示数据的各种示例。在每一个示例中,均可查 看和下载源代码,以便在 MATLAB 应用程序中使用。


您可以采用图形或完整报告的方式来共享结果。通过定制 MATLAB 图形,可以符合出版规格,并保存为常见的图形和数据文件格式。

执行 MATLAB 程序时,可以自动生成报告。所生成的报告中含有代码、注释和程序结果,其中包括图形。报告可采用各种格式(如 HTML、PDF、Word 或 LaTeX)发布。


MathWorks introduced Release 2017a (R2017a) with a range of new capabilities in MATLAB and Simulink. R2017a includes a new product, Automated Driving System Toolbox, which helps design, simulate, and test ADAS and autonomous driving systems. R2017a also includes updates and bug fixes to 86 other products.

MATLAB Product Family Updates Include:


- Interactive figure updates in the Live Editor, including title, labels, legend, and other annotations, as well as the ability to copy live script outputs to other applications
- heatmap chart functions for visualizing data
- More functions for operating on tall arrays, including ismember, sort, conv, and moving statistics functions
Econometrics Toolbox
- Bayesian linear regression model for analyzing the relationship between a response and a set of predictor variables
- Vector autoregressive model for analyzing multivariate time series data, including exogenous predictors
MATLAB Production Server
- Web-based server management dashboard for IT configuration and control
Neural Network Toolbox
- Deep learning algorithms for training convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for regression tasks using multiple GPUs on PCs, on clusters, and in the cloud
- Deep learning visualization for the features a CNN model has learned using image optimization
- Functions for transferring weights from pretrained CNN models (AlexNet, VGG-16 and VGG-19) and models from Caffe Model Zoo
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Regression Learner app for training regression models using supervised machine learning
- tall array algorithms for support vector machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes classification, bagged decision trees, and lasso regression
Computer Vision System Toolbox
- Deep learning for detecting objects using Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN
Automated Driving System Toolbox
- A new product for designing, simulating, and testing ADAS and autonomous driving systems

Simulink Product Family Updates Include: Simulink- Simulink Project upgrade for easily updating all files in a project to the latest release
- parsim command for directly running multiple parallel simulations
- Streaming for large input signals from MAT files without loading the data into memory
- Reduced bus wiring to quickly group signals as buses and automatically create bus element ports for fewer signal lines between and within subsystems
- Automatic port creation for adding inports and outports to blocks when routing signals
Simscape Multibody
- Run-time parameters for speeding up simulation tasks and modifying component parameter values without regenerating C code
- Onshape CAD import for using cloud-based CAD assemblies in multibody simulationSignal Processing and Communications Updates Include:Antenna Toolbox
- Antenna Designer app for interactively choosing and analyzing antennas with desired characteristics
Communications System Toolbox
- Modeling and simulation for spatially-defined MIMO channels operating in multipath and scattering propagation scenarios
LTE System Toolbox
- MATLAB functions for simulating 3GPP 5G new radio technologies
- Sidelink Receive functionality for link-level simulation of LTE-A ProSe direct communications for public safety and vehicular communication applications
WLAN System Toolbox
- Support for generating IEEE 802.11ad compliant waveforms
Code Generation Updates Include: Embedded Coder
- Cross-release code integration for reusing model reference code generated from previous releases
Simulink Coder
- Dynamic memory support for MATLAB Function block simulation and code generation
HDL Coder
- HDL code generation from IEEE standard single-precision floating-point operations
HDL Verifier
- Support for probing and capturing internal FPGA signals to analyze in MATLAB or SimulinkVerification and Validation Updates Include:Polyspace Bug Finder
- Code checking for MISRA C:2012 Amendment 1 and new cryptography routines
Simulink Verification and Validation
- Clone detection improvements for refactoring repeating library patterns and subsystem clones
- DOORS Next Generation support for linking and tracing model elements to requirements in DOORS Next Generation
Simulink Design Verifier
- Visualization of the effect of state activity timing on slicer highlighting for simulations
Simulink Code Inspector
- Support for loop and cyclic operations in MATLAB, Simulink, and StateflowRelease notes: HERE

About MathWorks

MathWorks is the leading developer of mathematical computing software. MATLAB, the language of technical computing, is a programming environment for algorithm development, data analysis, visualization, and numeric computation. Simulink is a graphical environment for simulation and Model-Based Design for multidomain dynamic and embedded systems. Engineers and scientists worldwide rely on these product families to accelerate the pace of discovery, innovation, and development in automotive, aerospace, electronics, financial services, biotech-pharmaceutical, and other industries. MATLAB and Simulink are also fundamental teaching and research tools in the world’s universities and learning institutions. Founded in 1984, MathWorks employs more than 3000 people in 15 countries, with headquarters in Natick, Massachusetts, USA.

Product: MathWorks MATLAB
Version: R2017
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
Supported Operating Systems: MAC
Size: 10.0 Gb

Mathworks MATLAB R2017b for Mac 9.3 破解版 – 强大的商业数学软件-麦氪派

Mathworks MATLAB R2017b for Mac 9.3 下载

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