应网友要求更新。Matlab 2016a 是一款商业数学软件,主要用于算法开发、数据可视化、数据分析以及数值计算的高级技术计算语言和交互式环境,主要包括MATLAB和Simulink两大部分。新版增加更多的功能,推出了从天线到数字的 (antenna-to-bits) 无线设计解决方案,可帮助无线和雷达系统工程师仿真集成多个天线、智能射频 (RF)设备和高级接收器算法的设计。新的软件无线电 (SDR) 硬件支持允许通过 LTE 及其他波形进行无线测试。
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Mathworks MATLAB R2016a for Mac 9.0 介绍
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++, and Fortran.
利用 MATLAB,可以从文件、其他应用程序、数据库以及外部设备访问数据。您可以从各种常用 文件格式(如 Microsoft Excel、文本或二进制文件、图像、语音和视频文件)以及诸如 netCDF 和 HDF 等科学文件中读取数据。借助文件 I/O 函数,可以处理任意格式的数据文件。
通过将 MATLAB 与附加产品配合使用,可以从诸如计算机串口或声卡等硬件设备获取数据,并且使实时测量的数据接导入 MATLAB,以便用于分析和可视化处理。此外,还可以实现与各种仪器(如示波器、函数发生器以及信号分析仪)之间的通信。
利用 MATLAB,可以对数据进行管理、筛选以及预处理。您可以执行探索性数据分析,探明趋势,检验假设,并构建描述模型。MATLAB 提供了可用于滤波和平滑、插值、卷积以及快速傅 立叶变换 (FFT) 的各种函数。各种附加产品提供了可用于曲线和曲面拟合、多元统计、频谱分析、 图像分析、系统识别及其他分析任务的多种功能。
MATLAB 提供了内置的二维和三维绘图函数,以及立体可视化函数。使用这些函数,可以实现数据可视化,了解数据,并交流结果。对绘图进行自定义时既可以采用交互方式,也可以采用编程方式。
MATLAB 图例库提供了在 MATLAB 中以图形方式显示数据的各种示例。在每一个示例中,均可查 看和下载源代码,以便在 MATLAB 应用程序中使用。
您可以采用图形或完整报告的方式来共享结果。通过定制 MATLAB 图形,可以符合出版规格,并保存为常见的图形和数据文件格式。
执行 MATLAB 程序时,可以自动生成报告。所生成的报告中含有代码、注释和程序结果,其中包括图形。报告可采用各种格式(如 HTML、PDF、Word 或 LaTeX)发布。
Version 9.0 (R2016a):
Note: Now requires OS X 10.10 or later.
Note: The quoted download size is an installer; the download of the application is 684 MB.
- Live Editor: Create and run live scripts with embedded output; add equations and images to enhance the interactive narrative
- Toolboxes: Programmatically package and install custom MATLAB toolboxes with matlab.addons.toolbox package
- Tab Completion: Complete parameter names and options in select MATLAB function calls
- Pause Button: Pause the execution of a program from the Editor and enter debug mode
- Toolboxes: Customize additions to MATLAB path upon toolbox installation
- Preferences: Migrate preferences from MATLAB versions up to three releases preceding the release starting up
- verLessThan Function: Compares releases
- Internationalization: Default encoding scheme on Mac platforms will change in a future release
Language and Programming
- datetime Object: Set the default locale and format of datetime objects through the Preference panel
- zeros, ones, and eye Functions: Create logical arrays
- cellstr, deblank, and strtrim Functions: Keep significant whitespace characters when removing leading or trailing whitespace
- rowfun and varfun Functions: Create output table without row names when using the 'GroupingVariables' parameter
- Debugging: Set breakpoints while MATLAB is executing
- Moving Statistics Functions: Calculate moving statistics using the movmean, movsum, movmedian, movmax, movmin, movvar, and movstd functions
- datetime and duration Arrays: Compute standard deviations with std
- datetime and duration Arrays: Ignore NaNs and NaTs using 'omitnan' or 'omitnat' in the functions mean, median, std, and sum
- graph and digraph Classes: Analyze graphs and networks using centrality and nearest nodes functions
- svds Function: Compute singular values with improved performance and convergence behavior with a wide variety of matrices
- median Function: Compute medians with improved performance
- cummin, cummax, cumprod, and cumsum Functions: Compute cumulative minimum, maximum, product, and sum with improved performance
- GraphPlot Objects: Interactively inspect graph plots using data cursor and plot selection
- polarplot Function: Plot data in polar coordinates and modify properties of polar axes
- yyaxis Function: Create charts with two y-axes and customize each y-axis individually
- Legend Object: Add legend title and create callbacks to highlight plots when clicking legend items
- histogram2 Function: Enable data linking and brushing for bivariate histograms
- Function Plots: Visualize mathematical expressions as parametric line, surface, and contour plots
- Graphics Display: Render plots with large numbers of markers faster
- 3-D Pan and Zoom: Explore data with improved pan and zoom behavior for axes in a 3-D view
- Graphics Drivers: Use latest drivers to avoid instabilities with older NVIDIA Windows drivers
- Printed Figure Size: Print or save figures that match size of the figure on the screen by default
- print Function: Print figures that fill page using the '-fillpage' and '-bestfit' options
- Figure Menu: Save figures that honor the PaperPosition value using File > Save As
App Building
- App Designer: Build MATLAB apps with line and scatter plots using an enhanced design environment and an expanded UI component set
Data Import and Export
- writetable Function: Write to text files significantly faster, especially for large files
- readtable Function: Read from Excel files with faster performance
- writetable Function: Write to Excel files on Mac and Linux platforms
- spreadsheetDatastore Function: Import and process data from a collection of Excel files
- datastore Function: Import a TabularTextDatastore object with improved file format detection
- ImageDatastore Object: Specify image labels using the Labels property and process with splitEachLabel, countEachLabel, and shuffle functions
- fileDatastore Function: Create a custom datastore for a file collection too large to fit in memory
- readtable Function: Read text files with automatic detection of delimiters, header lines, and variable names
- tabularTextDatastore and imageDatastore Functions: Create objects to import large text and image data collections
- writetable Function: Detect text with embedded delimiters automatically and write as quoted text
- TabularTextDatastore Objects: Read text files with automatic detection of delimiters, header lines, and variable names
- imread Function: Generate C-code using MATLAB Coder
- Performance Testing Framework: Measure MATLAB code performance using the unit testing framework
- Graphics Display: Render plots with large numbers of markers faster
- writetable Function: Write to text files significantly faster, especially for large files
- readtable Function: Read from Excel files with faster performance
- median Function: Compute medians with improved performance
- cummin, cummax, cumprod, and cumsum Functions: Compute cumulative minimum, maximum, product, and sum with improved performance
Hardware Support
- Raspberry Pi: Acquire images from USB webcams
- Arduino: Build custom add-ons to interface with additional hardware and software libraries
Advanced Software Development
- Performance Testing Framework: Measure MATLAB code performance using the unit testing framework
- Unit Testing Framework: Quickly create explicit test suites using testsuite function
- Unit Testing Framework: Access diagnostic information recorded on test results
- Unit Testing Framework: Create temporary working folder using the WorkingFolderFixture
- Unit Testing Framework: Test set membership and uniqueness with HasUniqueElements, IsSubsetOf, and IsSupersetOf constraints
- Unit Testing Framework: Set up custom fixture to delegate work to another fixture
- Unit Testing Framework: Exclude specified fields and properties from constraint comparison
- Unit Testing Framework: Customize how the PathFixture fixture adds folders to the path
- Property Definition: Restrict the class of property values
- Property Definition: Define only one property per line in class definitions
- event.hasListener Function: Determine if an event has listeners
- event.DynamicPropertyEvent Class: Get dynamic property name from event data
- Enumerations: Substitute character arrays using new class methods
- waitfor Function: Suspend execution pending operations on any handle object
- Source Control Integration: Display relation of local changes to remote branch
- Source Control Integration: View summary status icon for folders
- MATLAB Engine for Python: Start or connect asynchronously to MATLAB from Python
- MATLAB builds with Boost library version 1.56.0
- MEX command does not accept .bat or .sh compiler options files
- Compiler support changed for building MEX files and standalone MATLAB engine and MAT-file applications
For functionality being removed or changed, see this page
Mathworks MATLAB R2016a for Mac 9.0 下载
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