MarsEdit 是一款Mac上非常好用的博客编写工具,支持WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Squarespace 5, TypePad, Movable Type等类型的博客网站,让你在本地编写博客文章,支持图文文章、HTML富文本、自动插入iPhoto和Aperture中的图片、本地预览、发布到博客等功能。
[MarsEdit 在Mac App Store上售价人民币49元]
MarsEdit 4.1.4 Mac 破解版 介绍
MarsEdit是一个OS X的博客编辑器,它可以编辑你的博客,比如写电子邮件,有拼写检查,草稿,多个窗口,甚至是AppleScript支持。
What's New in MarsEdit
Version 4.1.4:
- Fixed small but annoying issues affecting the resizing of document windows, and uploading Featured Images
- These updates were released quickly after 4.1.4 to ensure all users have the best possible experience with the app
MarsEdit 4.1.4 Mac 破解版 下载
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