Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 激活版 – Pokemon Go地图软件


2016-08-30 3,904 百度已收录


[Map for Pokemon Go 在Mac App Sotre 上售价人民币12元]

Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 介绍

EARLY ADOPTER SALE $1.99 for one week only.

Maps for Pokemon Go is your secret weapon. We have researched and compiled the BEST PLACES TO HUNT worldwide! Level up quickly by knowing about the top places in your city.

We show you the top 10-20 places in your area, where the most Pokemon, Pokestops, and Gyms are likely to be located.

Created by a level 27 trainer, the app is designed for those who are tired of going to parks with the same old Pokemon, or malls without a single PokeStop.

Stay tuned for awesome updates, like types of Pokemon and terrain maps.

It's complaint with Niantic and their standards, and does not track individual Pokemon.

Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 激活版 – Pokemon Go地图软件-麦氪派
Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 激活版 – Pokemon Go地图软件-麦氪派
Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 激活版 – Pokemon Go地图软件-麦氪派
Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 激活版 – Pokemon Go地图软件-麦氪派

Map for Pokemon Go for Mac 1.0 下载

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