MainStage 3 for Mac 3.2.3 激活版 – 强大的现场演奏软件
2016-01-27 6,262 百度已收录
MainStage 3 拥有针对现场演奏而进行优化的全屏幕界面、灵活的硬件控制和种类丰富、可与 Logic Pro X 完全兼容的的插件和音效,让您能够带着您的 Mac,一同登上舞台。
[MainStage 3 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币198元]
MainStage 3 for Mac 3.2.3 介绍
Apple MainStage makes it easy to bring to the stage all the same instruments and effects that you love in your recording. Everything from the Sound Library and Smart Controls you're familiar with from Logic Pro X is integrated into MainStage 3. You can even expand your show with prerecorded backing tracks. You’ll also find new features like an improved Mixer, easier-to-use channel strips, and more. With the Mac as the core of your live rig, setup is faster, teardown is faster, and everything in between is more reliable. And you can easily use your favorite hardware to control every nuance of your performance.
Version 3.2.3:
- A collection of 27 plug-ins have been redesigned to add Retina support and improve usability
- Numerous improvements to Alchemy including Apple Loops support and 11 new spectral effects
- Alchemy supports 3rd party Expressive MIDI Controllers including products from Roli and Roger Linn Design
- Allows faster changing of your I/O device with large concert files
- Clicking on an instrument layer in the workspace now selects the corresponding channel strip
- Improved VoiceOver support
MainStage 3 for Mac 3.2.3 下载
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