Macs Fan Control Mac 免费版 风扇调速器

硬件工具 版本号:1.4.10

2019-07-01 2,499 百度已收录

Macs Fan Control for Mac (风扇调速器)是一款运行在Mac  OS平台上电脑风扇修改与硬件温度监测软件,Macs Fan Control for Mac (风扇调速器)可以实时监控电脑风扇转速调节,并对其控制,功能强大.使用方便。

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Macs Fan Control Mac 1.4.10 免费版 介绍

Macs Fan Control allows you to Monitor and control almost any aspect of your computer's fans, with support for controlling fan speed, temperature sensors pane, menu-bar icon, and autostart with system option. Software solution to noise problems such as those caused by iMac HDD replacement, or overheating problems like those found on a MacBook Pro Set any constant value to any fan (e.g., minimum) Control fan speed in relation to a temperature sensor (e.g., 3rd party HDD) Real-time Monitoring of Mac's fans speed and temperature sensors including 3rd party HDD/SSD (using S.M.A.R.T.) Display menu bar icon Compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion or later (version for OS X 10.6 in Related Links)

Macs Fan Control Mac 免费版 风扇调速器-麦氪派

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