机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 Mac 破解版 – 画风精美的冒险解谜游戏


2018-08-21 4,723 百度已收录

械迷城 Mac破解版采用2D背景和人物,没有文字对白,自己摸索探索世界。类似银河历险记(Samorost),游戏中都是机器人,包括游戏主角。游戏画面全部由手工绘制,玩家通过传统点击式互动界面,非常有趣味哦!

[机械迷城 Machinarium 在Mac App Store售价68元]

机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 介绍

由捷克独立开发小组Amanita Design设计制作的最新作品《Machinarium》,此作堪称以独特的水墨风格展现给玩家的是一款冒险解谜游戏


Machinarium中每个人都是机器人,包括我们的小英雄,他将对从 "Black Cap Brotherhood"来的坏人。

Machinarium is award-winning independent puzzle / adventure game developed by the makers of popular web-games Samorost and Samorost2.

A little robot who's been thrown out to the scrap yard behind the city must return and confront the Black Cap Brotherhood and save his robot-girl friend.

  • World: Machinarium world is populated only by robots of various forms and functions. One of the most interesting places in this world is old, rusty and legendary city of Machinarium where the game takes place.
  • Story: you will have to get rid of wicked robots from the Black Cap Brotherhood and save the head of the city and also your robot-girl friend.
  • Puzzles: you will be solving many logical puzzles, adventure quests, brain teasers and mini-games.
  • Graphics: backgrounds and characters are 2D hand-drawn and there is more then one hour of carefully crafted animations.
  • Music: beautiful original soundtrack was composed and recorded by Floex (Samorost2 OST).
  • Communication: you won't find any lengthy boring dialogs in this game, characters talk by comic bubbles with simple animations and symbols.
机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 Mac 破解版 – 画风精美的冒险解谜游戏-麦氪派
机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 Mac 破解版 – 画风精美的冒险解谜游戏-麦氪派
机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 Mac 破解版 – 画风精美的冒险解谜游戏-麦氪派
机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 Mac 破解版 – 画风精美的冒险解谜游戏-麦氪派
机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 Mac 破解版 – 画风精美的冒险解谜游戏-麦氪派

机械迷城 Machinarium 3.1.5 下载

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