MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 注册版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具


2017-02-13 2,564 百度已收录

MacCleanse 是一款Mac系统垃圾清理工具,MacCleanse 5 支持系统垃圾清理缓存清理、历史文件清理、应用卸载、回收站清理等功能,能够快速的帮助我们回收硬盘的空间,支持定时自动清理,此外一些额外的功能也很实用,比如文件粉碎、插件管理、重复文件查找等,非常不错!

[MacCleanse 5 在官网上售价29.95美元,约合人民币180元]

MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 介绍

MacCleanse is the product of thousands of hours of intense research and development. It meticulously scans all of the nooks and crannies of a computer for unnecessary junk that can take up huge amounts of disk space! Because of this, Apps in MacCleanse are also uninstalled correctly, catching the numerous logs, caches, plugins, and other resources left behind versus simply dragging them to the Trash. Your privacy is protected and computer performance enhanced by MacCleanse as it wipes your web and app histories, and can toggle resource-hungry extensions!


Version 5.1.7:

  • Scan no longer stalls
MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 注册版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 注册版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 注册版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 注册版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派
MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 注册版 – 优秀的系统垃圾清理工具-麦氪派

MacCleanse 5 for Mac 5.1.7 下载

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