M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 外接硬盘加载和卸载工具


2017-01-15 3,016 百度已收录

M3 Drive Mounter 是一款Mac上实用的移动硬盘加载和卸载工具,可以一键移除移动硬盘,自动连接远程磁盘等,很不错!

[M3 Drive Mounter 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币68元]

M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 介绍

*****Manage network drives and external drives with ease*****

UPDATES: Mac App Store customers can free upgrade to website version: Install App Store version firstly, then download website version and install it.

M3 Drive Mounter allows you to mount, unmount, or eject network drive or external drive with only one click.

  • Connect your network drives only once, set it and forget it
  • Automatically detect network drives and connect them
  • Mount file share (FTP, SFTP) server storage as a local disk in the Finder, open remote files with any application and work like on a local volume.
  • Safely and automatically eject all external drives when your Mac sleeps
  • Automatically disconnect network drives on sleep and connect them on wake from sleep.
  • Get notified when a volume becomes available or an external device can be unplugged safely.
  • One click to disconnect all network drives or unmount all external drives.

***Tips***: When manually adding network drive, just need to enter server address, for example: smb://

M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 外接硬盘加载和卸载工具-麦氪派
M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 外接硬盘加载和卸载工具-麦氪派
M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 外接硬盘加载和卸载工具-麦氪派
M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 外接硬盘加载和卸载工具-麦氪派
M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 激活版 – 外接硬盘加载和卸载工具-麦氪派

M3 Drive Mounter for Mac 2.2 下载

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