LRTimelapse 4 for Mac 4.7.5 破解版 – 专业的延迟摄影渲染工具


2017-02-23 5,259 百度已收录

LRTimelapse 4 是一款Mac上专业的延迟摄影渲染工具,LRTimelapse具有高清输出、简单易用、无缝转换等特点,并且可以和Adobe Camera Raw、AdobeLightroom 和Adobe After Effects 等软件完美配合使用,非常强大的一款延迟摄影工具!

[LRTimelapse 在官网上售价112美元,约合人民币660元]

LRTimelapse 4 for Mac 4.7.5 介绍

LRTimelapse 4 provides the most comprehensive solution for time lapse editing, keyframing, grading and rendering. No matter if on Windows or Mac, no matter which Camera you use: LRTimelapse will take your time lapse results to the next level.

LRTimelapse is being used by most known time lapse producers and many amateurs. It allows keyframing and grading of time lapse sequences in an all-RAW-file-based workflow, utilizing the Adobe Camera RAW develop engine implemented in Lightroom (Versions 3, 4, 5 and 6) and Adobe Camera Raw.

Creating Day-to-Night and Night-to-Day time lapse transitions is easily and perfectly done with the sophisticated "Holy-Grail"-workflow. Rendering of the final sequences can be done in professional video formats like Prores 4:4:4 and 4:2:2 and resolutions up to 6K - of course consumer formats like MP4/H.264 are supported as well.

Time lapse movies are getting more and more popular these days. Still-photographers, filmmakers and multimedia artists are discovering this new and exciting facet of photography.

LRTimelapse is being used by those people, because it enables them to use their favorite photographic tools (Lightroom or the Adobe Creative Suite) to produce time lapses with all the advantages and power that those tools offer for image editing. It allows them to easily deal with time lapse specifics, like getting rid of the tedious flicker-effect and even helps them to achieve the so called "holy grail of time lapse photography": smooth day-to-night transitions.

LRTimelapse 4 for Mac 4.7.5 破解版 – 专业的延迟摄影渲染工具-麦氪派

LRTimelapse 4 for Mac 4.7.5 下载

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