Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 激活版 – 易用的统计数据图表绘制工具


2016-12-05 4,074 百度已收录

Lively Logic 是一款Mac上简单易用的统计数据图表绘制工具,能够有效分析你的数据集,进行计算,并能够创建图表、微调内容和外观,很不错!

[Lively Logic 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币328元]

Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 介绍

Bring your data to life—using line graphs, scatter plots, bar graphs, bubble graphs, tables, and more—to communicate with your audience and get your point across.

Built-in styles and color schemes will help your charts look great—whether you’re presenting them, printing them, or publishing them online. You can create multiple views of your data, or combine graph types and include data from multiple datasets in a single graph.

  • Create line graphs, scatter plots, bar graphs, bubble graphs, candlestick charts, pie charts, and tables, with drag-and-drop ease.
  • The inspector bar gives you control over the content and appearance of your graphs, without clutter or unnecessary complexity. You can quickly add series, choose data values, change graph types, and customize axes, fonts, and colors.
  • Graph axes automatically scale to fit your data—or you can move or resize them just by dragging.
  • Add best fit curves to scatter plots, or bars or checkmarks to tables.
  • Enter formulas to model variables or analyze quantities in a dataset. Whenever the values in the dataset change, the calculations are automatically updated to show the new results.
  • Over 80 arithmetic, statistical, logical, calendar, and text functions are available to help you work with your data.
  • Import or export CSV files. Save graphs and charts as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or PDF files, or copy & paste them into other apps.
Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 激活版 – 易用的统计数据图表绘制工具-麦氪派
Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 激活版 – 易用的统计数据图表绘制工具-麦氪派
Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 激活版 – 易用的统计数据图表绘制工具-麦氪派
Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 激活版 – 易用的统计数据图表绘制工具-麦氪派
Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 激活版 – 易用的统计数据图表绘制工具-麦氪派

Lively Logic for Mac 1.4.2 下载

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