LightCapture for Mac 1.0.2 激活版 – 简单好用的截图工具


2017-03-05 2,397 百度已收录

LightCapture是一款简单好用的截图工具。用一键点击屏幕截图 - 使用LightCapture,拍摄截图从未如此简单 - 他们只是一个点击。将屏幕截图复制到剪贴板 - 拍摄屏幕截图并立即将其复制到剪贴板 - 所有这些都不会保存到文件夹中。说再见杂乱。

[LightCapture 在官网上售价 0.99 美元,约合人民币 6 元]

LightCapture for Mac 1.0.2 介绍

Introducing LightCapture – the most streamlined way to take screenshots.


  • Take screenshots with one-click – With LightCapture, taking a screenshot has never been easier – they’re only a click away.
  • Copy screenshots to your clipboard – Take screenshots and immediately copy them to your clipboard – all without saving them to a folder. Say goodbye to clutter.
  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts – LightCapture allows you to set keyboard shortcuts to take screenshots without having to click the LightCapture icon in the menu bar.
  • Easy-to-use design – LightCapture is super easy-to-use — once you click a button, a screenshot is taken. That’s it. No more clicking through preference panes to take a screenshot.
  • Support for ALL Macs with macOS 10.11 El Capitan or later – MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac mini, and Mac Pro
  • Constant updates – LightCapture is always being updated, and new features are constantly being added!

LightCapture for Mac 1.0.2 激活版 – 简单好用的截图工具-麦氪派
LightCapture for Mac 1.0.2 下载

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